Black Crawling Systems Archive Release 1.0
Black Crawling Systems Archive Release 1.0 (L0pht Heavy Industries, Inc.)(1997).ISO
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From the Radio Free Michigan archives
If you have any other files you'd like to contribute, e-mail them to
This list of suggested reading material, like all such of
it's nature, is by definition, incomplete. I'm quite sure
I've left out some highly recommended reading which, by its
absence will offend someone. PLEASE SUBMIT YOUR
RECOMMENDATIONS (demands??) to me <timr@efn.org>. I assure
you that such errors are unintentional... [or if they aren't,
just put it down to the fact the conspiracy is bigger than we
The presence of any book or comment in this list DOES NOT necessarily
INDICATE endorsement of any publication, its author(s), ideas,
equipment, methods, etc... of course it doesn't mean I don't like them
either: And if any of you government snoops out there don't like that,
you can kiss my gun B__T!.
That's "BOLT", for those of you who failed this test:-)
Further, the list is grouped into what I trust are useful
sections. Someday, as this resource list grows larger, I will fully
index it. But for now, within each section, it is compiled
alphabetically by title. Magazines, newsletters and even videos are
included herein.
You can find the section headers by searching for some "equal
signs" or the word "section", in all caps and with a space
between each letter. If you aren't using a reader which can
do text searches, you should be.
Some publications may rightfully be listed in more than one
section. When that occurs, the comments and information will
appear ONLY in the first section in which the listing occurs.
Subsequent listings will have only the title and the name of
the section in which to look to find out additional
And finally, not all of the comments about these books are
mine, but I will take responsibility for them here -- as
former president Nixon once said in distinguishing guilt from
responsibility, "Those who are guilty go to jail, those who
are responsible do not!" I've never been wholly sure exactly
how he distinguished this in his own mind, but I've oft
enjoyed repeating it non-the-less. So yes, I will take
"responsibility" for them:-)
In our constant effort to bring you the very best resource
listings, here is the beginnings of a "WHERE TO FIND"
Trax Book and Tape
332 W. Martin Ln.
Murray, Utah 84107
(801) 262-3601
The "blurb" from Trax claims (and not unwarranted I might
add): "Your source for books and other information about
freedom, health, survival, common law, sovereignty,
economics, conspiracy, home schooling, liberalism, satanism,
science, christian books, history, IRS, and others."
Trax would like you to request by mail a complete catalog,
and wants you to know:
"All mail orders require 15% added to your order for postage and
at 1-800-888-9999 (This 800# is available from Canada)
American Graphics
P.O. Box 73
St. Mary's KS 66536
(913) 437-2072
This is a company which prints a wide variety of pro-gun,
anti-communist, anti-BigGov, pro-constitution, pro-America, etc,
etc rubber stamps and bumper stickers.
Some examples of stamps you can apply to your mail:
"Get US out of the UN"
"US forever, UN never"
"The right of the people to bear arms shall not be infringed"
"Jail the IRS"
"Abolish the Federal Reserve"
"We must revive, not revise, the US Constitution"
Also, they have a religious catalog oriented toward Christians.
(Some of these stamps are also in the Patriot catalog) These are
pro-life, scripture quotes, etc.
Send for one or both catalogs (patriot or religious catalog)
==========S E C T I O N I==========
Publications which add to and shed light
on the conspiratorial nature of government
corruption and the continuing deception by which
a government once "OF THE PEOPLE AND BY THE PEOPLE"
has nearly perished from the earth.
"Acres, USA"
LAND... it is what this country is... the engine of progress may
be men and ideas, but the foundation for it all is land. Your
land and mine... or is it?
Acres, USA, is a truly great publication dedicated to the land
owner (not just farmers) who wishes to complete his understanding
of the law about TITLE, and who actually owns the land. If you
think your title insurance and current deed are proof of
ownership, you need to think again. "Acres, USA" is absolutely
required reading for citizens who are completing their sovereignty
from DC's oppression.
Write to "Acres, USA" at the address below and ask for the Land
Patent Brief by S.J. Stewart. The cost is $25.00
Acres, USA
P.O. Box 9547
Kansas City, MO 64133
"Aid & Abet Police Newsletter"
Officer Jack McLamb (ret)
P.O. Box 8787
Phoenix, Arizona 85066
An excellent source of information is a newsletter published by
Jack McLamb, a retired police officer. The letter is primarily
targeted at police officers and national guardsmen to convince
them not to participate in the coming enslavement. He also has
published one of the best treatises on the NWO process and how it
has come to be called Operation Vampire Killer 2000. Great
reading for someone that wants to get started but doesn't know
where to begin.
Operation Vampire Killer 2000 can be gotten from me [timr@efn.org]
via e-mail. Request either WP5.1 format or ASCII. The document
is approximately 57 pages (paper pages, not screen pages).
AIDS Inc: The Scandal of the Century
by Jon Rappaport
Copyright 1988
Human Energy Press
available from
Tom Davis Books
P.O. Box 1107
Aptos, CA 95001-1107
This book addresses the science/politics of AIDS including how the
whitehouse decided HIV was the cause of AIDS in 1983. The now well
documented fact is that HIV has little or nothing to do with AIDS.
"American's Bulletin, The"
A monthly newsletter whose audience is the growing patriot
community. Good articles on current issues, generally with a
legal or semi-legal aspect. A darn good newsletter.
American's Bulletin
Robert Kelly, Editor
c/o P.O. Box 935
Medford, Oregon
Postal Zone 97501
(503) 779-7709
Publishes 12 issues/year
30.00 FRN's 1st class postage
25.00 FRN's 3rd class postage
Absolutely the best newsletter of its type in the country.
Strictly from a legal viewpoint, the editor/publisher (Alfred
Adask) is an exacting and detail conscious expert. His articles
and editorials always provide considerable insight into the legal
issues which plague the patriot today. Just a single issue of
"AntiShyster" will fire you up and provide you with hope that our
battle may be won in the courts. This publication, however, is
not about hype, but about concrete methods and real people.
If you are into tax and other government intrusion protesting, you
can't, nor should you try, to be without this publication.
P.O.B. 540786
Dallas, Texas 75354
(214) 317-7407
Six 48 page issues annually
25.00 FRN's
"Archives on Audio"
These are the archives of Pacifica Radio. Pacifica broadcasts a
LOT of conspiracy information... some of which, in my opinion, is
a little flakey, but a lot of which is really good stuff. They
can be reached at:
POB 170023
San Francisco, CA 94117
Full annotated catalog available for $3.00.
"Atlas Shrugged"
by Ann Rand
This one is such a classic I won't attempt to review it here, and
the same goes for Orwell's "1984" [not listed elsewhere in this
"Bible, The"
No comment from any one could do this one justice.
"Big Sister Is Watching You"
by Texx Marres
Texx Marres is an ex-USAF officer, a Christian, and a "specialist"
on the New Age Movement and the New World Order.
"Big Sister Is Watching You" has factual documentation, will
*stun* you, and is essential reading if you want to know the
*real* [rather than the versions put out in the mass media of]
President Hillary, Gauleiter Janet, and friends.
$9.95 US and is available through most all Christian Bookstores.
"Blue Book, The"
(Of the John Birch Society)
by Robert Welch
This is surely one of the most important conspiracy books ever
written. And most of it is as true today as it was in the fifties
when Robert Welch wrote it.
"Break-ins, Death Threats and the FBI: the Covert War Against the
Central American Movement"
by Ross Gelbspan
(South End Press, Boston, 1991.)
The title and sub-title, serve as an adequate introduction to this
book. An excellent work.
"Book of Mormon, The"
Recommend by a Mormon (of course) as: "the best way there is to
learn the fundamental principles underlying all conspiracies and
the proper way to deal with them".
"By Way of Deception:
The Making and Unmasking of a Mossad Officer"
by Victor Ostrovsky and Claire Hoy
Copyright 1990
St. Martins Press
New York
ISBN 0-312-05613-3
It is really an eye-opener for anyone who has a vestige of respect
for intelligence operatives and also has much information
pertaining to past conspiracies. It is well written, informative
and even exciting. Even so, I think it has been taken out of
publication. It created the stir Ostrovsky intended for it.
"Called To Serve"
by Col. James "Bo" Gritz
A stirring, moving saga of a true modern warrior. A man moved by
primal passions who has intellectually grown far beyond the bounds
of strict militarism. Gritz's eloquence is indeed worthy of
careful reading.
"Captains and the Kings, The"
by Taylor Caldwell
Even though novel might not belong on this list, it is a terrific
story. James Michener or Robert Ludlum don't write fiction that
grabs the reader and pulls them along any better. And it is about
this great conspiracy that we are all fighting. Based loosely on
the life story of Joseph Kennedy the father of JFK and Teddy, it
cites The Naked Capitalist, None Dare Call It Conspiracy and
Tragedy and Hope in its Recommended Reading List at the end. This
is a great way to get some of the lore.
"Committee of 300"
by Dr. John Coleman
Published by America West Publishers
In his own words:
"In my career as a professional intelligence officer, I had many
occasions to access highly classified documents, but during
service as a political science officer in the field in Angola,
West Africa, I had the opportunity to view a series of top secret
classified documents which were unusually explicit. What I saw
filled me with anger and resentment and launched me on a course
from which I have not deviated, namely to uncover what power it is
that controls and manages the British and United States
Available via anonymous FTP from:
etext.archive.umich.edu in the directory at:
"Conspirators Hierarchy"
by Dr. John Coleman
Coleman served for many years in MI6 (the British Secret Service,
Military Intelligence). He gives a very detailed look at the
families and connections which serve as an interlocking board of
directors for the New World Order.
"Crimes of Patriots, The"
A True Tale of Dope, Dirty Money, and the CIA"
by Jonathan Kwitny
Copyright 1987
Published by W.W. Norton
500 5th Avenue NY, NY 10110
ISBN 0-393-02387-7
This book details the entire Nugan Hand Bank scandal, the covert
government agents and the ties to the drug running side of the
CIA. Long before the "IranGate" or "Iran/Contra Scandal", the
abuses of the CIA and its influence with drugs and funny money
scams has tainted at least 8 president's administrations prior to
The cast of characters will read like a "Who's Who" of Washington
insiders and CIA agents.
Great reading from another award winning investigative reporter.
"Days of Vengenance"
by David Chilton
Copyright 1987
Published Dominion Press
7122 Burns Street
Fort Worth, Texas 76118
ISBN: 0-930462-09-2
A deep, and at least to me, a very satisfying look at Revelation.
It teaches that Revelation in the Bible is a theory of Dominion,
not of the end. It gives hope to Christians of all colors.
This book covers in detail so much ground that any attempt to
"review" it here is destined for dismal failure. This book is
available in many libraries, so get it there and see what I mean.
A truly "MUST" read for the serious Christian.
"Deep Cover"
by Michael Levine
The Inside Story of How DEA Infighting, Incompetence and
Subterfuge Lost Us the Biggest Battle of the Drug War
Levine, a former undercover LEO really spills the beans here with
a blockbuster expose of the so-called "war on drugs". "The war
itself is a fraud...", he states.
This book makes truly excellent reading, especially AFTER reading
McCoy's book, "The Politics of Heroin in Southeast Asia", and
watching Gritz's video, "A NATION BETRAYED: CIA Sacrifices
American POWs for Drug Profits".
"Family Farm Preservation"
A newsletter and research organization dedicated to the patriot
who wants to keep the state and federal government from
encroaching and or stealing his property through foreclosure
and/or tax sales. A VERY VALUABLE organization.
Family Farm Preservation
Highway M
P.O. Box 287
Tigerton, Wisconsin 54486
"Federal Zone, The: Cracking the Code of the Internal Revenue"
by Mitch Modelski
Copyright July 4, 1993
fourth edition: electronic version
Published by
Account for Better Citizenship
c/o USPS Post Office Box 6189
San Rafael, California Republic
Postal Code 94903-0189/TDC
The main purpose of this book is to explain how WE THE PEOPLE, the
American People, have been systematically deceived by government
officials who have exploited this deception to defraud us of our
wealth and our freedom. By a corrupt use of the semantics of law,
and the common man's ignorance of it, lawyers as acting lackeys of
those who pull their strings, have craftily pulled the wool over
the eyes of most of WE THE PEOPLE. For example, how many of you
know that:
We have in our political system a Government of the "United
States" and a government of each of the several States. Each one
of these governments is distinct from the others, and each has
citizens of its own ....
--Slaughter-House Cases
[United States vs Cruikshank, 92 U.S. 542 (1875)]
It is quite clear, then, that there is a citizenship of the
"United States" and a citizenship of a State, which are distinct
from each other and which depend upon different characteristics or
circumstances in the individual.
--Slaughter House Cases, 83 U.S. 36 (1873)
If you want to explore the growing "Citizenship" movement, this is
the place to start and to return to, time and time again.
"Freedom Report, The"
P. O. Box 2858
Edgewood, New Mexico 87015
It is edited and published by Ron Engleman who was booted off of
a Dallas Radio Talk Show for telling the truth about Waco while
the major events were taking place. This is a new journal that
goes for $35/year for 26 issues. Ron resigned his job rather than
compromise his beliefs and values... a welcome change from most
media types. Ron's message is sincere and welcome in the patriot
"Financial Terrorism:
Hijacking America under the Threat of Bankruptcy"
by John McManus
There may very well be no better way to get up to speed on the
Federal Reserve than by reading this book. "Financial Terrorism"
is the most concise, readable work on the Fed I have yet seen.
This book is a good primer on the economics of inflation (and many
other issues). If you have taken economics at the college level,
you may very well not understand the devastating effect that
inflation has on our economy and prosperity. (If you haven't
studied the official line, you may still fail to understand this
issue). This book will help you understand the root causes of
this and many, many other economic issues and how the Fed has
caused most of them to effect us all in negative and direct ways.
It is available from:
The John Birch Society
Appleton, Wisconsin
published late 1993
"Global Tyranny...Step by Step
by William Jasper
This book is THE definitive expose of the United Nations. I
consider it MUST reading for anyone seeking to know how, where,
who, why about the UN. It is a very recent book; thus, it is
current-as-they-come. It ties in the conspiracies use of this
"Globalist/Communist" infested body.
"Great Reckoning, The"
by William Rees-Mogg
[ISBN: 0-671-86994-9 published by Simon and Schuster at $23]
The author is a past editor of the London TIMES. The 1991 edition
of this book forecast 20 key events which would affect everyone in
the world; they were mocked and ridiculed by the "experts"; two
years later, all of them have come to pass. The current 1993
edition makes for chilling reading - the book forecasts a horrific
[sic] depression, deflation *and* hyperinflation, and they work
out the social and personal implications. The book includes an
invaluable "action plan for personal survival"; it's been
virtually ignored or not readily stocked in the States.
A must read book on this whole topic.
"Greening, The"
by Larry Abraham
published by
Soundview Publications, Inc.
Suite 100
1350 Center Drive
Dunwoody, GA 30338.
This is probably one of the finest exposes ever done on the New
World Order and its links to environmental causes and the biggest
land grab in history! If you've ever wondered why some really big
names in business seemingly promote the environmental causes,
Larry Abraham will lay bare the secrets and provide you with more
than enough information to be able to answer those questions with
A clear, concise look behind the facade of "big-money
environmentalism" (one of the century's bigger oxymoron's).
This may not be available in print any longer... I have a copy you
can have electronically. E-mail me your preference, either WP5.1
or ASCII and you'll get yours via return e-mail. <timr@efn.org>
by Franklin Sanders
pub: Machrihanish, Limited
Box 1696, Hamilton 5
Sanders is a patriot of the first magnitude, writes a newsletter
("The MoneyChanger"), started his own bank (gold backed, deposits
fully redeemable, no interest loans, no fractional reserves, etc.,
i.e., a bank which the bible would find fully acceptable). He an
20 others were dragged into court on several hundred "tax" related
counts. They beat EVERY SINGLE ONE.
Heiland is a novel set in the year 2020. It is a lovely uplifting
story which clearly depicts a likely scenario of America's slide
into totalitarianism.
"Insiders, The"
by John F. McManus
This is a short, easy introduction to the field by the
Editor/Publisher of "The New American", the news magazine
published by the John Birch Society. I've included it here
because John McManus is one of my favorite authors for being clear
and concise, two qualities I highly value in an author.
It is easily available by anonymous FTP from
etext.archive.umich.edu (cd /pub/Conspiracy/LWB/The.Insiders)
Is Public School Necessary?
by Samuel L. Blumenfeld
This book tells, for the first time, the story of how and why
Americans gave up educational freedom so early in their history
for the imagined"benefits" of state-controlled education.
Blumenfeld breaks new ground in this important work, and tells the
full fascinating story of how government-controlled education
emerged in the face of generally accepted and adequate facilities
for private schooling. Blumenfeld delves into a wealth of
original sources to reveal how a comparative handful of
secularists, who were more concerned with destroying religion than
with freeing man, spearheaded the drive toward public education.
John Birch Society, The
An organization dedicated to exposing the one-world conspiracies
which are at the heart of our society. They publish a lot of
really good informative material. They also have speakers and
audio-visual aids.
PO Box 8040
Appleton, WI 54913
"Law That Never Was Vol #1, The"
by Bill Benson & M.J. "Red" Beckman
Mr. Benson has given the reader documentation in these books
revealing that the 16th Amendment to the Constitution was never
ratified and passed, Therefore is NULL AND VOID.
$24.00 FRNs
"Law That Never Was Vol #2, The"
by Bill Benson
This book is based upon reaction to the evidence of fraud
presented in Vol. 1 and recounts the legal history of the issue
raised in Vol. 1 It also provides an historical perspective of
events which were and are pertinent to that issue.
$24.00 FRNs
"Liberty Magazine"
POB 1181
Port Townsend, WA 98368
6 issues per year
by Peter Maas
Copyright 1986
Published by
Random House, Inc.
ISBN 0-394-55293-8
Peter Maas, author of "The Valachi Papers" and "Serpico" did it
again, with this eye opening account of one of the bit players on
the international CIA/Dope/Guns for profit scene.
I personally knew Ed Wilson and I worked for Albert Hakim at the
time of the dealings depicted in the book. I can personally vouch
for what is written here. If I had a complaint, it would be only
that the scope of the book is narrowed to just Ed Wilson's
treachery and doesn't cover the broader issues. But its a GREAT
book non-the-less.
This book details real people in real life, doing and saying real
things. There is no speculation here, just a world-class
reporter's skill, displaying for us all the inner workings of one
aspect of a corrupt agency (CIA) and how it functions.
Ed Wilson himself has told me, on more than one occasion: "I
still, to this day, believe that I was being officially
directed... that the operations were fully and properly
sanctioned". He's probably telling the truth too, after all
George Bush was the director at the time and Richard Helms, the
former director was the ambassador to Iran.
"McAlvany Intelligence Advisor"
A monthly newsletter. I am antsy waiting for it each month and
when it arrives I can't put it down until I've finished and them
I can't wait for the next one. They are generally from 15 to 25
pages long and are filled with stuff about Pres. Hillary and her
dog Willy, economic stuff, many briefs about world situations,
etc. Excellent analysis...much meat. The MIA is really hard
core. I like it 'cause it's real.
P.O. Box 84904
Phoenix, AZ 85071
(800) 528-0559
(612) 252-4477 in Arizona
Published monthly
95 FRN's for 12 issues
"Naked Capitalist, The"
by W. Cleon Skousen
Since Tragedy and Hope is pretty heavy going for the average
reader, Dr. Skousen, one of the great patriots of our day, wrote
a book-length review of Quigley's work. It covers a lot of the
same ground Gary Allen covers in his book, but it is enough
different and so well written it is worth a separate spot on this
"Nation Betrayed, A"
a book by
by James "Bo" Gritz
Copyright 1988
Published by
Lazarus Publishing Co.
711 Yucca Street
Boulder City, Nevada 89005
ISBN 0-9622238-0-8
Probably THE definitive account of the betrayal of our nation.
Names, dates, etc. This book is the accompanying text (not a
transcript, but the background and basis) for the video by the
same name. This is one hellava read.
"Nation Betrayed, A"
a video by
Col. James "Bo" Gritz (ret)
It documents alleged CIA involvement in covert drug running
activities and how they supposedly interfered with the nation's
attempts to recover American prisoners of war and those missing in
action. You may find it unbelievable. You may not be surprised at
what it says. But you will never look at a government official
like Oliver North or Richard Armitage again, in quite the same
Lt. Colonel James Gritz
Box 472, HCR - 31
Sandy Valley, NV. 89019
Ordering information for the video "A NATION BETRAYED" can be had,
by phoning 1 (702) 723-5266.
FAX: (702) 723-5357
"Nazis, Communists, Klansmen, and Others on the Fringe"
by George and Wilcox
Interesting information on both the IRS and the ATF. Although we
know the inner workings of government are sometimes rather
bizarre, one might wonder how much of this kind of activity
"NEA, Trojan Horse of American Education, The"
By Samuel Blumenfeld
A careful, thorough, but easy reading expose of the corruption and
manipulation of the American Public Education, from Dewey on down
to the present.
A dear friend of mine, a man who had dedicated his entire life to
public education, received this book from me as a gift... I'll
never forget the sadness when he came to my house with tears
streaming from his eyes, this book in hand, and asked, "Tim, is
this what I've wasted 50 years doing?" Sometimes gifts are not
what they seem.
Joe had indeed spent a life trying to elevate public education...
He was indeed one of those nearly extinct species... a truly
dedicated man. It devastated him to discover that the truth of
his chosen profession was a shallow lie within a deeply rooted
conspiracy to help demoralize and brain-wash American youth.
If you've EVER wondered how and why the worlds (previously) most
effective educational structure can no longer teach "Johnny" how
to read, then Samuel Blumenfeld will pull back the curtain which
has been drawn on the stage of education in America.
"New American, The"
A magazine format publication, worth, in my opinion, twice what
they charge. It is published by the John Birch Society. Each
issue is filled with lots of thought-provoking articles. You can
say what you want about the JBS, but they publish a lot of really
informative and well written and well researched information.
770 Westhill Boulevard
Appleton, WI 54915
$39/yr, single issues are $2.50
Published biweekly
"New Federalist, The"
Subscriptions are available at $20 for 50 issues, $35 for 100
issues. Make checks payable to "New Federalist" at
New Federalist
PO Box 889
Leesburg, VA 22075.
(703) 777-9451
published weekly
To subscribe to the LaRouche issues list send e-mail to
listserv@ccs.covici.com with a line reading subscribe lar-lst.
For more info, e-mail John Covici at covici@ccs.covici.com
John Covici also runs a BBS, the Lincoln Legacy at (703) 777-5987
with many LaRouche text files.
"New Lies For Old"
by Anatoliy Golitsyn
Available through:
Book, Line, and Thinker
Post Office Box 1878
Fort Collins, Colorado 80522
ISBN 0-9626646-1-8
Anatoliy Golitsyn was born in the Ukraine and raised in Moscow.
A member of the Communist Party at the age of 19, he studied at
the High Diplomatic School, the University of Marxism-Leninism,
and the KGB institute.
Golitsyn joined the KGB in 1945 and served as a staff officer for
the next 16 years specializing in counterintelligence and soviet
"disinformation" measures. On December 15, 1961, while stationed
in Finland, he defected with his family to the West. He was
condemned to death in absentia by the Soviet judiciary and
currently lives in the United States under an assumed name.
In New Lies for Old, Golitsyn warns that the West in general, and
the United States in particular, have seriously misunderstood the
nature of changes in the communist world. We are not witnessing
the death of communism, he insists , but a new communist offensive
of "strategic disinformation".
"New World Order: Ancient Plan of Secret Societies"
by William Still
Huntingdon House
ISBN 091-031-1641
A highly condensed and *essential* resource for anyone seriously
interested in understanding the genesis and aims of the NWO...
"New World Order"
by Eustace Mullins
It is so detailed, it sometimes becomes boring and difficult to
read. However, this is only because Mr. Mullins seeks to present
every tiny detail but he presents valuable info to share the
bookshelf with other excellent NWO books.
"None Dare Call It Conspiracy"
by Gary Allen and Larry Abraham
Published by
Double A Publications
18000 Pacific Highway South
Suite 1105
Seattle, Washington
Postal Zone 98188
Written in the early '70s and it changed a lot of peoples
perceptions. For the first time ordinary folks were able to see
that the Republicans and the Democrats were the same party and
that our elections were shams. It is a little out of date today,
but it must surely rank as one of the most important conspiracy
books of the 20th century.
An update was published by the co-author of "None Dare...", Larry
Abraham. It is called "Call it Conspiracy" and it contains the
entire text of the original "None Dare Call It Conspiracy."
Great Reading, if you plan on reading "None Dare..." then read
this one instead.
"October Surprise"
by Barbara Honegger
Copyright 1989
Published by
Tudor Publishing Company
ISBN: 0-944276-46-6
I lived and worked in Iran from mid 76 until 2 days before
Christmas in 1978, when my wife and I were finally able to get a
plane out of there. Barbara I met many years later while she was
laboring with the birth of this manuscript.
She didn't write a book about the NWO per se, but it most
certainly shows it rearing its ugly head.
This is a true and fascinating tale of international intrigue,
back room deals and details the absolute callous disregard for
human life which characterizes so much of the operations of Bush
and Rockafeller's New World Order.
"Paradise Restored"
by David Chilton
Copyright 1985
ISBN: 0-930462-04-1
Published by
Reconstruction Press
P.O. Box 7999
Tyler, Texas 75711
[from the flyleaf] "In recent years many Christians have begun to
realize a long forgotten truth: God wants us to have dominion over
the earth. 'The earth shall be full of the knowledge of the LORD,
as the waters cover the sea'. Isaiah 11:9"
To demonstrate this truth from Scripture, Chilton shows how even
the most obscure prophecies can suddenly come alive with meaning
to those who have grasped the paradise theme.
This is a VERY refreshing book on eschatology, one which will
treat you to a very Biblical way of reading the Bible.
"Plausible Denial"
by Mark Lane
Copyright 1991
Published by
Thunder's Mouth Press
54 Greene Street, Suite 4S
New York, NY 10013
This is very possibly THE definitive book on the Assassination of
JFK. Readers of the Spotlight will be familiar with this book and
Mark Lane. But reading about the trial of E. Howard Hunt, and how
the CIA complicity in the death of JFK was brought out, and most
The main-line press has continued to this day to ignore this
historic trial and the conviction of Hunt and the CIA in their
roles with the assassination of a US President.
HOW THE JURY AGREED, is riveting reading.
"Politics of Heroin in SouthEast Asia, The"
by Alfred J. McCoy
This was originally written as his Doctoral Thesis, but became a
widely read and accepted book -- extremely well documented; one
It was the watershed book for me which opened my eyes to a secret
"Proofs of a Conspiracy"
by John Robison, 1798
I've never read this one, but I know that it is very important
because of how often it is included in the bibliographies of other
important works. Published in the 18th century, it presents a
very educated exposition of the roots of modern conspiracy in the
Illuminati, a sinister offshoot of Freemasonry and the effects of
conspiracy on European and German history in general and the
French Revolution in particular.
"Right Way Light"
by Right Way l.a.w.
This publication in by the Rick Shramm group. Rick Shramm is
one of the, if not THE, foremost "non lawyer" in the patriot
movement. Right Way puts on seminars, publishes materials,
distributes audio and video tapes -- all with the aim of teaching
law, the way God meant it to be taught and learned.
I cannot say enough good things here about Right Way. And I
cannot think of anything bad to say. If you have a "legal"
problem, and/or a legal bent of mind, you simply MUST check
this group out.
The main thrust of the legal education is Title 42 lawsuits.
A weapon, with Rick's guidance, that becomes a guided missile
aimed right at the heart of the un-Godly establishment.
"Shadows of Power, The"
by James Perloff
This is the history of the Council on Foreign Relations. It
covers some of the same ground as None Dare Call It Conspiracy,
but it is much more current and better documented than Allen's
book. After all, when Allen wrote None Dare Call It Conspiracy,
the Trilateral Commission hadn't even been created yet, and a lot
of the people on this list probably still thought Ronald Reagan
was a true conservative.
"Secret Cult of the Order, The"
(and many other publications)
by Anthony Sutton
Sutton is a former Hover Institute member and knows of what he
speaks. Like Quigley, he was on the inside, but woke up and now
writes and speaks against the insiders and the NWO. His writings
and research have influenced many contemporaries, such as Dr. Gary
North, Larry Abraham, Skousen, and others.
"Secrets of the Federal Reserve"
by Eustace Mullins.
The title is pretty self explanatory. Tells everything about this
illegal privately owned "Federal" bank. It is so detailed, it
sometimes becomes boring and difficult to read. However, this is
only because Mr. Mullins seeks to present every tiny detail. He
even traces family trees of some of the more powerful families!
"Secret Societies"
by Nesta Webster
It is one of the great classics in the field mentioned in glowing
terms in nearly all the important bibliographies.
"Silverado: Neil Bush and the Savings and Loan Scandal"
by Steven K. Wilmsen
Copyright 1991
Published by
National Press Books
Bethesda, Maryland
Details the involvement of Neil Bush and the rape of this Colorado
Savings & Loan. This book opens the doors on the actual depth of
corruption we have had in our government, extending clear to the
very top, for years now.
"Spotlight, The"
A weekly newspaper which contains more news per column-inch than
any twenty other newspapers combined. If you don't mind having a
lot of "favorite oxen" gored to death, this is the NEWSpaper to
300 Independence Avenue S.E.
Washington D.C. 20003
(800) 522-6292
(301) 951-6292 in Maryland
Published weekly except for 2 issues
combined into one at the beginning of the year.
36.00 FRN's/yr
"Some Call It AIDS, I Call It Murder"
by Dr. Eva Snead.
AUM Publications
San Antonio, Texas 78212
This is a two volume book that has ALL the documentation to see
that AIDS is part of a much larger paradigm of bad and
irresponsible Medical Science that has endangered our health
bigtime. AIDS isn't even a new syndrome! You want to get this
"Target America"
by James L. Tyson
Copyright 1985
Published by
Regnery Gateway
1130 17th Street, N.W.
Washington DC 20036
The influence of Communist Propaganda on U.S. Media. Regardless
of whether you believe the communist menace is over or just
beginning, the use and corruption of the media is something every
patriot should be cognizant of... in depth.
"To Harass Our People"
by (former) Congressman George Hansen
The IRS "has erected a Multitude of new offices, and sent hither
Swarms of Officers, to harass our people, and eat out their
substance: (Declaration of Independence). The most explosive
expose' of the IRS ever written.
Congressman Hansen wrote this book, and ended up in jail... does
that tell you something about what's revealed in it?
$7.00 FRNs
"Tragedy and Hope"
by Carroll Quigley
Professor Quigley was a Professor of History at Harvard, a true
Insider, and a former teacher of Bill Clinton. In his book,
"Tragedy and Hope", he wrote about the CFR combination as an
apologist. He thought these guys were doing a wonderful thing in
trying to set up a world government. He was one of the groups top
officers and ever since he "spilled the beans" with this book, the
enemies of the New World Order have been able to see what they are
The only difficulty with this is it is written by a research
historian--it is a huge 1300+ pages! But as history will clearly
show, this book is a monumental expose of the coming New World
Order (pun intended). Seriously though, this tome is probably the
finest reading of its type ever published, period.
"Vision, The"
by David Wilkerson
ISBN 080-078-1503
A reputable Pentecostal minister. He said that he was at prayer
on three successive nights, and on all three nights he had a
chilling and detailed vision of what awaited America. Remember,
this book was written in 1971.
He details every social and economic event of significance to
come, and hasn't been wrong yet! [at least according to who ever
wrote all these comments]. He forecast that a short, sharp
recession would come [1980-82], followed by a period of
apparently-effortless and unending wealth explosion [the 1980's]
which would gradually slide into a long, drawn-out and incurable
recession, which would itself develop into the worst Depression
the world had ever known. At the trough of that depression, he
said, the bottom would fall out of the American dollar, and the
American economy would collapse.
Accurate? Buy the book and judge for yourself! [Baker recently
republished it - at $3.99 U.S.]
"When The World Will Be As One"
by Tal Brooke
Published by
Harvest House
ISBN 089-081-7499
A truly grand look at the insiders. Names, dates, times, places.
Its all here. Absolutely a must read and a great source of
reference material, quotes and itself a list of recommended
==========S E C T I O N II==========
This section is made up of
Organizations which are dedicated to
promoting a lawful understanding of our
status as "taxpayers" vs "non taxpayers";
as State Citizens vs "U.S. citizens";
"land owners" vs "land holders", etc.
The following organizations are listed ***BY STATE*** in
Alphabetical order. As I publish this resource folder this list
continues to be updated. I have personally verified only about 15
or 20 of these organizations, and people whom I trust have
verified some others... what do I mean by "verified"? Only that
the address is correct and that I or others believe that they
belong on a Patriot's Resource Listing such as this...
NOTE: I've tried to NOT duplicate organizations listed below
where they were also listed elsewhere in this resource
do not mistake this "verification" for endorsement
or recommendation unless explicitly so stated!
+=+=+ ALABAMA +=+=+
Advocates for Better Government
c/o P.O. Box 11653
Montgomery, Alabama 36111
+=+=+ ARIZONA +=+=+
Publius Press
3100 South Philamena Place, Suite B
Tucson, Arizona 85730
+=+=+ ARKANSAS +=+=+
Justice Times
P.O. Box 562
Clinton, Arkansas 72031
+=+=+ CALIFORNIA +=+=+
American Constitutional Liberties Association
1250 La Playa, Suite 304
San Francisco, California 94122
American Liberties Association
c/o 306 Turnberry Way
Vallejo, California
American Statesmen's Assembly
1009 E. Capitol Expressway, Suite 312
San Jose, California 95121
California Statesman, The
8158 Palm Street
Lemon Grove, California 91945
Common-Law Service Center HQ
3rd Judicial District
564 La Sierra Drive
Suite 187
Sacramento, California Republic
Continental Congress Organizing Committee
c/o P. O. Box 1257
Escondido, California 92033
Constitutional Law Center
631 Wilhagen Drive
Sacramento, California 95816
Free Enterprise Society
300 West Shaw, Suite 205
Clovis, California 93612
Friends of Patrick Henry
c/o P. O. Box 1776
Hanford, California 93232
P.O. Box 115
Santa Rosa, California 95402
Lion's Inn Educational Trust
c/o P. O. Box 270676
San Diego, California 92198
National Educator
P.O. Box 333
Fullerton, California 92632
National League for the Separation of Church and State
c/o Post Office Box 2832
San Diego, California 92112
National Tax Limitation Committee
151 North Sunrise Avenue, Suite 901
Roseville, California 95661
NCE California
35016 Rd. 112
Visalia, California 93291
New Nation USA (NNUSA)
P.O. Box 441
Morongo Valley, California 92256
Pacific Information Network
105 Serra Way, #213
Milpitas, California 95035
Prevailing Winds Research
P.O. Box 23511
Santa Barbara, California 93121
Reason Foundation
3415 S. Sepulveda Blvd., #400
Los Angeles, California 90034
Religious Technology Center
6331 Hollywood Boulevard, Suite 1200
Los Angeles, California 90028
State Citizen Service Center
585-D Box Canyon Road
Canoga Park, California Republic
U.S. Constitutional Liberties Association
4671 Marshal Road, Suite "C"
Garden Valley, California 95633
Voter Outreach
204 North El Camino Real, #719
Encinitas, California 92024
+=+=+ COLORADO +=+=+
Committee to Restore the Constitution
P.O. Box 986
Fort Collins, Colorado 80522
Future of Freedom Foundation
P.O. Box 9752
Denver, Colorado 80209
Liberty Institute
1400 Moline, #301
Aurora, Colorado 80010
National Commodity and Barter Association
c/o P. O. Box 2255
Longmont, Colorado 80502
Petitioner, The
2219 West 32nd Avenue
Denver, Colorado 80211
+=+=+ CONNECTICUT +=+=+
Constitutional Revival
P.O. Box 3182
Enfield, Connecticut 06083
+=+=+ FLORIDA +=+=+
A.M.E.N., Inc.
1500 Gulf City Road, #34
Ruskin, Florida 33570
Bill Tolley's Congressional Watch
4250 Pinewood Road
Melbourne, Florida 32934
Eight Is Enough
P.O. Box 4888
Orlando, Florida 32802
Family Rights Committee
4303 Vineland Road, Suite F-16
Orlando, Florida 32811
For the People
3 River Street
White Springs, Florida 32096
Freedom Law Center
1902 West Kennedy Blvd.
Tampa, Florida 33606
Grass Roots Journal
P.O. Box 8738
Longboat Key, Florida 34228
Larry McDonald Foundation
6240 CR 214
St. Augustine, Florida 32092
15209 Lake Magdalene
Tampa, Florida 34653
Louis F. Mlecka
P.O. Box 908
Brooksville, Florida 34605
Saving America
P.O. Box 1205
Middleburg, Florida 32050
16661 S.E. Highway 42
Weirsdale, Florida 32195
Throw the Hypocritical Rascals Out
4127 West Cypress Street
Tampa, Florida 33607
2151 Cliffbrook Avenue
Pensacola, Florida 32526
United States Bookstore
3417 South Dale Mabry
Tampa, Florida 33629
U.S. Federalist/The White Rose
227 Edge Avenue
Valparaiso, Florida 32580
+=+=+ GEORGIA +=+=+
Crusade Against Corruption
P.O. Box 4063
Marietta, Georgia 30061
Truth At Last
P.O. Box 1211
Marietta, Georgia 30061
Truth in Taxes
c/o 175 Booth Road
# D-3
Marietta, Georgia 30060
+=+=+ HAWAII +=+=+
Democracy Requires Attention
P.O. Box 4163
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813
+=+=+ IDAHO +=+=+
Barrister's Inn
P.O. Box 9411
Boise, Idaho 83707
Citizens Tax Council
c/o P. O. Box 2197
Orofino, Idaho 83544
Tax Consultants of Idaho
c/o P. O. Box 3507
Boise, Idaho 83703-0507
+=+=+ ILLINOIS +=+=+
Citizens Committee to Clean Up the Courts
Sherman Scholnick
9800 South Oglesby
Chicago, Illinois 60617
Citizens for Just Taxation
c/o P. O. Box 368
Dolton, Illinois 60419
Constitutional Research Associates
c/o P. O. Box 550
South Holland, Illinois 60473
Council on Domestic Relations
P.O. Box 3362
Springfield, Illinois 62708
Diminish the National Debt
P.O. Box 3663
Carbondale, Illinois 62903
Heartland Institute
634 South Wabash Avenue, 2nd Floor
Chicago, Illinois 60605
Paul Revere Club
P.O. Box 565
Flora, Illinois 62830
Sovereignty Resolution
1154 West Logan Street
Freeport, Illinois 61032
+=+=+ INDIANA +=+=+
Concerned Citizens for the Constitution
P.O. Box 44590
Indianapolis, Indiana 46244
Patriots for Liberty
P.O. Box 334
Rochester, Indiana 46975
+=+=+ LOUISIANA +=+=+
Common Law Court for the USA
3537 Ambassador Caffery Parkway, Suite 32
Lafayette, Louisiana, USA 70503
+=+=+ MARYLAND +=+=+
Firearms Coalition
P.O. Box 6537
Silver Springs, Maryland 20906
Save-A-Patriot Fellowship
c/o P. O. Box 91
Westminster, Maryland 21157
+=+=+ MICHIGAN +=+=+
Action Institute
161 Ottawa, N.W., Suite 405-K
Grand Rapids, Michigan 49503
Criminal Politics
300 North Zeeb Road
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106
+=+=+ MINNESOTA +=+=+
Freedom Calendar
704 Edgerton
St. Paul, Minnesota 55101
+=+=+ MISSOURI +=+=+
Coalition to End the Permanent Congress
P.O. Box 7309
North Kansas City, Missouri64116
Monetary Realist Society
c/o P. O. Box 31044
St. Louis, Missouri 63131
Newswatch Magazine
P.O. Box 1073
St. Ann, Missouri 63071
Taxpayers Against Deficit/Debt
5994 Saginaw Highway
Grand Lodge, Missouri 48837
+=+=+ MONTANA +=+=+
Common Sense Press
P.O. Box 1544
Billings, Montana 59103
Fully Informed Jury Association
P.O. Box 59
Helmville, Montana 59843
+=+=+ NEVADA +=+=+
Center for Action
Box 472, HCR - 31
Sandy Valley, Nevada 89019-9998
+=+=+ NEW MEXICO +=+=+
Thinking Americans for Better Government
1047 Briarwood Loop
Las Cruces, New Mexico 88005
+=+=+ NEW YORK +=+=+
Foundation for Economic Education, The
30 South Broadway
Irvington-on-Hudson, New York 10533
Freeman, The
30 South Broadway
Irvington, New York 10533
Manhattan Institute
52 Vanderbilt Avenue
New York, New York 10017
N.Y. Taxpayers Education Network
Route 9 N
Upper Jay, New York 12987
+=+=+ NORTH CAROLINA +=+=+
Christian Defense League
P.O. Box 449
Raleigh, North Carolina 27613
+=+=+ NORTH DAKOTA +=+=+
Farmer's and Consumer's Sun Time
710 East Bowen Avenue
Bismark, North Dakota 58504
+=+=+ OHIO +=+=+
Right Way l.a.w.
c/o P.O. Box 445
Hartville, Ohio
Non Domestic 44632
+=+=+ OKLAHOMA +=+=+
Freeman Education Association
8141 East 31st Street, Suite "F"
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74145
+=+=+ OREGON +=+=+
America's Bulletin
c/o P. O. Box 935
Medford, Oregon 97501
Behold Newsletter
729 Molalla Avenue, Suite 2
Oregon City, Oregon
Christian Patriot Association
c/o P. O. Box 596
Boring, Oregon 97009
National Citizen Education
9205 S.E. Clackamas Road, Suite 435
Clackamas, Oregon 97015
Patriot Review
P.O. Box 905
Sandy, Oregon 97055
+=+=+ PENNSYLVANIA +=+=+
School of Statesmanship
1235 Newport Road
Manheim, Pennsylvania 17545
+=+=+ SOUTH CAROLINA +=+=+
Patriot Network
P.O. Box 2368
Anderson, South Carolina 29622
+=+=+ TENNESSEE +=+=+
Mid-South Patriots
3125 South Mendenhall, #379
Memphis, Tennessee 38115
+=+=+ TEXAS +=+=+
Financial Independence Network Trust
c/o P. O. Box 122024
Ft. Worth, Texas 76121
Institute for Policy Innovation
250 South Stemmons, Suite 306
Lewisville, Texas 75057
National Center for Policy Analysis
12655 North Central Expressway
Dallas, Texas 75243
Texas Hill County Patriots
111 Stephanie Street
Kerrville, Texas 78028
+=+=+ UTAH +=+=+
American Institute for the Republic
80 East 100 North
Provo, Utah 846006
National Federal Lands Conference
P.O. Box 847
Bountiful, Utah 84011
+=+=+ VIRGINIA +=+=+
Citizen Alert
1761 Bus Center Drive
Reston, Virginia 22090
Conservative Caucus
450 East Maple Avenue
Vienna, Virginia 22180
Fiscal Associates
1515 S. Jefferson Davis Highway
Arlington, Virginia 22202
National Alliance for Constitutional Money
13877 Napa Drive
Independent Hill, Virginia 22111
Public Service Research Company
1761 Business Center Drive
Reston, Virginia 22090
+=+=+ WASHINGTON D.C. +=+=+
American Enterprises Institute
1150 - 17th Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20036
American Legislative Exchange Council
214 Massachusetts Avenue, N.E.
Washington, D.C. 20002
Cato Institute
224 Second Street, S.E.
Washington, D.C. 20003
Center for Strategic and International Studies
1800 "K" Street, N.W., Suite 400
Washington, D.C. 20006
Citizens Against Government Waste
1301 N. Connecticut Avenue, N.W., Suite 400
Washington, D.C. 20036
Citizens for a Sound Economy
470 L'Enfant Plaza, S.W., Suite 7112
Washington, D.C. 20024
Competitive Enterprises Institute
233 Pennsylvania Avenue, S.E., Suite 100
Washington, D.C. 20003
1319 "F" Street, N.W.
Suite 300
Washington, D.C. 20004
Institute for Research on Economics of Taxation
1331 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Suite 515
Washington, D.C. 20004
Libertarian Party
1528 Pennsylvania Avenue, S.E.
Washington, D.C. 20003
Liberty Library
300 Independence Avenue, S.E.
Washington, D.C. 20003
National Taxpayers Union
325 Pennsylvania Avenue, S.E.
Washington, D.C. 20003
Tax Foundation
470 L'Enfant Plaza, S.W.
Suite 7400
Washington, D.C. 20024
+=+=+ WASHINGTON (STATE) +=+=+
1815 Seashore Drive
Tacoma, Washington 98465
National Liberty Alliance
c/o P. O. Box 9002
Spokane, Washington 99209-9002
Washington Institute for Policy Studies
223 - 105th Street, N.E., Suite 202
Bellevue, Washington 98004
+=+=+ WISCONSIN +=+=+
Citizens for a Debt Free America
2550 South Sunny Slope Road
New Berlin, Wisconsin 53151
==========S E C T I O N III==========
This section is made up of
anti-Taxation, anit-IRS, and quasi-legal
advice Publications which I have included herein
because either I or someone I personally know
and trust, has read and recommended
the publication.
There are a lot of different viewpoints contained in
the following publications, but all with the common
theme of defeating an enemy of the people, the IRS.
"America's Coming Tax Revolt"
by R. W. Mertz
Parrot Communications Int'l, Inc.
2917 N. Ontario Street
Burbank, California
91504, 1992
(14.95 plus 2.75 S&H)
"Are You A Nonresident Alien?"
by Jack Colson
c/o ABS, P.O. Box 935
Medford, Oregon 97501
copyright 1990
(3.00 includes S&H)
"Become a Nontaxpayer and Save, Revised Edition"
by Floyd Wright,
c/o P.O. Box 323
Grass Valley, California 95945
copyright 1992
(19.95 plus 2.00 S&H)
"Best Kept Secret, The"
by Otto Skinner
P.O. Box 6609
San Pedro, California 90734
copyright 1986
(10.00 plus 2.00 S&H)
"Biggest Con, The: How the Government is Fleecing You"
by Irwin A. Schiff
Freedom Books
60 Skiff St.
Hamden, Connecticut 06517,
copyright 1976
"Confidential IRS Tax Audit Guide"
distributed by Common Sense Press
P.O. Box 1544
Billings, Montana 59103
"Documentation Packet with Court Briefs"
by Jerry Richey
c/o ABS
P.O. Box 935
Medford, Oregon 97501
copyright 1990
(12.00 includes S&H)
"Do Unto the IRS As They Would Do Unto You!"
by M. J. "Red" Beckman
Common Sense Press
P.O. Box 1544
Billings, Montana 59103
copyright 1983
(5.00 includes S&H)
"Economic Survival"
by National Citizen Education
9205 S.E. Clackamas Road
Suite 435
Clackamas, Oregon 97015
(10.00 includes S&H)
"Federal Mafia, The"
by Irwin A. Schiff
Freedom Books
60 Skiff Street
Hamden, Connecticut 06517
copyright 1990
(19.95 plus S&H)
"Federal Zone, The: Cracking the Code of Internal Revenue"
by Mitch Modeleski
Founder, Account for Better Citizenship
c/o POB 6189
San Rafael, California 94903-0189/tdc
copyright 1994
(40.00 includes S&H)
"Financial Survival"
by National Citizen Education
9205 S.E. Clackamas Road
Suite 435
Clackamas, Oregon 97015
"41 Ways to Lick the IRS with a Postage Stamp"
by Daniel J. Pilla
Winning Publications
506 Kenny Road
Suite 120
St. Paul, Minnesota 55101
copyright 1990
"Free at Last -- from the IRS"
by Dr. N. A. Scott
2649 Vista Way,
Oceanside, California 92054/TDC
copyright 1991
(40.00 + 3.00 S&H)
"Good-Bye April 15th!"
by Boston T. Party
Javelin Press
c/o 504 West 24th Street
Austin, Texas Republic
Postal Zone 78705/tdc
copyright 1992
(40.00 includes S&H, 43.00 for two-day delivery)
"Great Income Tax Hoax, The"
by Irwin A. Schiff
Freedom Books
60 Skiff Street
Hamden, Connecticut 06517
copyright 1985
"Great Internal Revenue Hoax Exposed, The"
by R. J. "Ray" Stenson
M-FACT Books
P.O. Box 8596 - S.C. Br.
Independence, Missouri 64054
copyright 1983
(6.00 + 1.00 S&H)
"How An Economy Grows and Why It Doesn't"
by Irwin A. Schiff
Freedom Books
60 Skiff Street
Hamden, Conn. 06517
copyright 1985
"How Anyone Can Stop Paying IncomeTaxes"
by Irwin A. Schiff
Freedom Books
60 Skiff Street
Hamden, Conn. 06517
copyright 1982
"How to Cure Inflation"
by Hyrum J. Amundsen, Jr.
Free Enterprise Society
300 W. Shaw Avenue
Suite 205
Clovis, California 93612,
copyright 1978
(12.00 plus 1.50 S&H)
"If You Are the Defendant"
by Otto U. Skinner
P.O. Box 6609
San Pedro, California 90734
copyright 1989
(21.00 plus 2.00 S&H)
"Income Tax Amendment is Null and Void, The"
Liberty Library
300 Independence Avenue, S.E.
Washington, D.C. 20003
"IRS and the Black Robed Cover-Up, The"
by M. J. "Red" Beckman
Common Sense Press
P.O. Box 15444
Billings, Montana 59103,
copyright 1983
(7.00 includes S&H)
"IRS and the Question of Jurisdiction, The"
by Ernest Solivan
4202 E. Cactus Rd.
Phoenix, Arizona 85032
(29.95 includes S&H)
"IRS Conspiracy, The"
by Henry J. Hohenstein
Nash Publishing Corporation
9255 Sunset Blvd.
Los Angeles, Calif. 90069
copyright 1974
"IRS, Federal Laws, Non-Resident Aliens, Etc., The"
by Jerry Richey
c/o ABS
P.O. Box 935
Medford, Oregon 97501
copyright 1990
(10.00 includes S&H)
"IRS Humbug, IRS Weapons of Enslavement"
by Frank Kowalik
Universalistic Publishers
P.O. Box 70486
Oakland Park, Florida 33307-0486
copyright 1991
(29.95 plus 3.55 S&H)
"IRS in Action"
by Santo M. Presti
Sherwood Communications
P. O. Box 535
Southampton, Penn. 18966
copyright 1986
(9.95 plus 1.00 S&H)
"Judicial Tyranny and Your Income Tax"
by Jeffrey A. Dickstein
PEGS Bookstore
P.O. Box 9337
Missoula, Montana 59807
copyright 1990
"Law That Always Was, The"
by Vern Holland
F.E.A. Books
8141 E. 31st Street
Suite "F"
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74145
copyright 1987
"Law That Never Was, Volume I, The"
by M. J. "Red" Beckman and Bill Benson
Constitutional Research Associates
POB 550
South Holland, Illinois 60473
copyright 1985
(25.00 plus 3.00 S&H)
"Law That Never Was, Volume II, The"
by Bill Benson
Constitutional Research Associates
POB 550
South Holland, Illinois 60473
copyright 1986
(25.00 plus 3.00 S&H)
"A Law Unto Itself: Power, Politics and the IRS"
by David Burnham
Random House, Inc.
New York, New York 10022
copyright 1989
"A Moderate Proposal for Restoring Prosperity Individual and National"
by Jean Carpenter
PRS Nutshells
5147 South Harvard Ave.
Suite 248
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74135
copyright 1991
(7.50 includes S&H)
"Money -- Bona Fide or Non-Bona Fide"
by Dr. Edward E. Popp
Wisconsin Education Fund
P.O. Box 321
Port Washington, Wisconsin 53074
copyright 1970
(0.50 each)
"Naked Truth, The"
by Daniel J. Pilla
Winning Publications
506 Kenny Road
Suite 120
St. Paul, Minnesota 55101
copyright 1986
"Omnibus, The"
by Ralph F. Whittington
c/o P.O. Box 91109
Houston, Texas 77291-1172
copyright 1987
(40.00 includes S&H)
"Ratification of the Income Tax Amendment: Has the Federal
Government Defrauded the American People?
A Response to the Ripy Report"
by Andrew B. Spiegel
Constitutional Research Associates,
P.O. Box 550
South Holland, Illinois 60473
copyright September 15, 1986
"Right Way Light"
by Right Way l.a.w.
c/o P.O. Box 445
Hartville, Ohio
Non-Domestic 44632
"Secrets of the Federal Reserve"
by Eustace Mullins
P.O. Box 1105
Staunton, Virginia 24401
copyright 1985
"Secrets of the Temple: How the Federal Reserve Runs the Country"
by William Greider
Simon & Schuster
Rockefeller Center
1230 Avenue of the Americas
New York, New York 10020
copyright 1987
"Secrets of the Tax Revolt"
by James Ring Adams
Harcourt Brace Jovanovich
1250-6th Ave.
San Diego, Calif. 92101
copyright 1984
"Silver Bulletin, The"
by Bill Medina
c/o P.O. Box 70400,
Sunnyvale, California 94086-0400
"16th Amendment Reliance Package"
by Bill Benson
Constitutional Research Associates
P.O. Box 550
South Holland, Illinois 60473
($200.00 includes S&H)
"Social Security Swindle, The"
by Irwin A. Schiff
Freedom Books
60 Skiff Street
Hamden, Connecticut 06517
copyright 1983
"Super Gun"
by Lori Jacques
c/o P.O. Box 1509
Bisbee, Arizona 85603-2509
copyright 1992
(30.00 + 3.50 S&H)
"Tax Fraud & Evasion: The War Stories"
by Donald W. MacPherson
MacPherson & Sons Publishers, Ltd.
3404 West Cheryl Drive, A- 250
Phoenix, Arizona 85051
copyright 1989
(17.95 plus 2.00 S&H)
"Taxpayers' Ultimate Defense Manual"
by Daniel J. Pilla
Winning Publications
506 Kenny Rd.
St. Paul, Minn. 55101
copyright 1989
"Tax Revolt"
by Martin A. Larson
Devin-Adair Publishers
6 North Water Street
Greenwich, Connecticut 06830
copyright 1985
"Tax Scam"
by Alan Stang
Research Publications
P.O. Box 84902
Phoenix, Arizona 85071
copyright 1988
(9.95 plus 1.50 S&H)
"A Ticket to Liberty"
by Lori Jacques
c/o P.O. Box 1509
Bisbee, Arizona 85603-2509
copyright November 1990
(33.00 includes S&H)
"To Harass Our People"
by Congressman George Hansen
Positive Publications
P.O. Box 23560
Washington, D.C. 20024
copyright 1984
"United States Citizen versus National of the United States"
by Lori Jacques
c/o P.O. Box 1509
Bisbee, Arizona 85603-2509
copyright 1989
(write author for price and availability)
"Which One Are You?"
by The Informer
The American Nonresident Nontaxpayer -or- United States Citizen
Resident Taxpayer,
published by
Who Are You
c/o 60-6 Roundtree Drive
Naugatuck, Connecticut
(55.00 includes S&H)
"Who's Afraid of the IRS"
by Miss Lynn Johnston
Laissez Faire Books
532 Broadway - 7th Floor
New York, New York 10012
copyright 1983
(14.95 includes S&H)
"You Can Rely on The Law That Never Was!"
Selections from the Trial and Post-Trial Motions of William J. Benson,
Constitutional Research Associates
P.O. Box 550
South Holland, Illinois 60473
($35.00 plus 2.00 S&H)
==========S E C T I O N IV==========
This section is made up of
Financial and Investing Publications
many of which have been purposefully picked
for this resource list because they have
a decidedly Christian slant.
The following titles are by Christian financial experts whose
track record has been unparalleled. Each of them applies the
principles of God's Word to staying debt-free, managing money and
investing wisely. As the economy continues to falter and
gradually worsen, these books show you clearly how to maintain and
protect the value of your assets BEFORE they deal with investment
strategies. I highly recommend them. Though you don't need to be
an expert to read and profit by them, you'll certainly feel like
an expert when you finish them! All prices are in Canadian
dollars - deduct a third for U.S. dollar prices. They should be
readily available from any good bookstore or library.
"Coming Economic Earthquake, The"
by Larry Burkett
The message from the Central Banks, the commercial banks and the
insurance companies is "Peace and safety". But the fact is that
North America faces the greatest financial crisis in its history
during the 1990's! As massive government debt exceeds the total
net worth of the U.S. government, for example, the ever-growing
need for new revenues will bring massive tax increases and soaring
interest rates. Inflation will influence the daily decisions of
every American and Canadian as we seek to maintain eroding
lifestyles. In THE COMING ECONOMIC EARTHQUAKE, Larry Burkett
issues a warning of fast-approaching destruction - and a map of
escape for those wise enough to read the signs. "If I'm wrong",
he says, "anyone who follows the directions given in this book
will be better off financially. If I'm right, they will be among
the few to prosper in what may be the greatest economic calamity
of the millennium".
J. Peter Grace, Chairman and CEO, W.R.Grace and Co. writes: "We're
on a disaster course and the time for action is right now...By the
year 2000, interest payments on the federal debt will take 102% of
all personal income taxes...What do you think will happen then?"
Be forewarned, and protect your financial future! HARDBACK. 230
pages. $21.95
"Complete Financial Guide For Young Couples, The"
by Larry Burkett
Subtitled "A lifetime approach to Spending, Saving and Investing",
Burkett points out in this book that if money RUNS your marriage
it will also RUIN your marriage! It's when a young couple's
finances get out of control and dominate their relationship that
other troubles enter in. Here is a book that will help you:
* establish a workable budget
* discover what type of, and how much, insurance you need
* teach your children about finances
* diagnose economic danger signs in your marriage
* explore different types of investments and decide which
are best for you.
If you want to get off on the right foot financially in your
marriage and be good stewards of all that God has given you
throughout your days together, this book is a wise investment!
HARDBACK. 228 pages. $22.95
"Debt-Free Living"
by Larry Burkett
How to get out of debt [and stay out]. A lack of understanding of
the Biblical principles concerning debt and borrowing can bring
individuals [and nations!] to financial disaster. DEBT-FREE
BORROWING discusses these Biblical principles, and shows you how
you can become and remain debt-free. For the individual or couple
facing financial crisis, this book offers a Scriptural way back.
Best-selling author Burkett discusses the repercussions of
bankruptcy, and suggests possible alternatives. Nearly 80% of
divorced couples between the ages of 20 and 30 state that
financial problems were the primary cause of their divorce. Here
you'll trace the true-to-life experiences of several couples on
the brink of ruin; as you follow each couple through counselling,
the Biblical principles for breaking out of the debt-cycle emerge.
Burkett is the author of numerous financial books, and an
internationally-respected financial consultant. HARDBACK. 249
pages. $21.95
"Insider Report"
by Larry Abraham
A good quality report designed around Mr. Abraham's in-depth
understanding of the NWO crowd (hence the word "INSIDER"). He
figures that the insiders, as they move to further their cause,
will be making money... and you can too, so long as you really
understand what they are doing and why. His insightful analysis
of the NWO crowd and their tawdry games will help you steer clear
of investment pitfalls and allow you to capitalize on this
"advance" knowledge.
Insider Report
P.O. Box 39895
Phoenix, Arizona
Postal Zone 85069
(800) 528-0559
"Investing for the Future"
by Larry Burkett
Your complete guide to
* understanding the economy
* minimizing risks
* maximizing assets
* strategizing as you go
* becoming debt-free by retirement
Burkett writes: "The rules about investing given in God's Word
still work. Apply them and you will prosper over the long run.
Violate them, and you will lose all that you have worked so hard
to accumulate". He then looks at key Biblical principles, the
best and worst investments, and evaluations of different kinds of
investments. He also answers the question: "Why invest?" Finally
he tells you where to go for specific and reliable investment
advice. This is sensible advice for the sensible investor!
HARDBACK. 260 pages. $21.95
"Master Your Money"
by Ron Blue
This outstanding book takes you step by step through the
principles of money management and growth. It's an excellent,
comprehensive and easy-to-apply introduction to a subject that
most people know almost nothing about. Let Blue help you set your
finances in order and then set you on the road to successful
saving and investing! HARDBACK. $23.95
A monthly newsletter edited and published by one of the leading
patriots of this time, Franklin Sanders (see "Heiland"). This
newsletter deals with a variety of subjects near and dear to the
patriots heart; investments, gold, money, FRN's, banking,
conspiracies, etc. Great reading with a strong Christian slant.
5702 Stage Road
Suite 164
Memphis, Tenn. 38134
"Preparing for Retirement"
by Larry Burkett
Everything you need to know to prepare financially for your
retirement. Many people will be worse off after retirement than
they ever imagined because they were financially naive and
uninformed. No matter what your age, it's never to late to
prepare - and the younger you are, the easier it is. Deals with
each issue, explores the choices, and gives solid advice on
preparing, saving, investing....and living comfortably afterwards!
HARDBACK. $22.95
"Remnant Review, The"
Financial and political advise from a Christian fundamentalist
viewpoint. Dr. North is a good writer, well educated and hooked
up with excellent sources. I really recommend giving this one a
Editor: Dr. Gary North
101 South Jennings
Suite 305
Ft. Worth, Texas 76104
(817) 335-5443
"Sound Mind Investing:
A Step-by-Step Guide To Financial Stability and Growth"
by Austin Pryor
This is the finest and most comprehensive book on practical
investing from a Biblical point of view that we have ever seen!
Highly recommended by both Larry Burkett and Ron Blue, it
clarifies the confusing financial jargon and steers you through
the overwhelming number of investments available. This is an
investing road map for both the beginning and the experienced
investor. In it you'll learn:
* what the Bible says about investing
* what investing is and why it's actually quite simple
* what steps to take to prepare yourself financially before
you invest
* what your personal investment "temperament" is and how
to use it to make decisions and limit your risk
* how to put together your personal investment strategy
* how to know exactly which mutual funds are best for your
present financial condition.
Each user-friendly lesson is worded in everyday English and comes
in easy-to-digest small portions. Pryor uses symbols, resource
bulletin boards and other creative visual aids. Whether you
invest a little or a lot, these principles apply to you. In
short, he's made investing as easy as it's going to get! OUTSIZE
Paperback. $28.95. [If you read only *one* of these books, read
this one!]
"Thoughtful Christian's Guide To Investing, The"
by Gary Moore
This book cuts through the confusion of the financial world and
shows you how to make your money productive, while you invest it
prudently and ethically as well. In clear, straightforward
language Moore deals with:
*allocating your money
*selecting your investments
*facing ethical issues
*gift and estate planning
Sir John A. Templeton, Founder, the Templeton Mutual Funds, says
succinctly: "Read this book". Paperback. 335 pages. $13.95.
"Your Finances In Changing Times"
by Larry Burkett
With more than one million copies in print, this book is a perfect
introduction to basic financial management. It is a complete money
guide, offering Biblical concepts and practical suggestions for
building a sound financial plan. Learn to plan for the future, get
out or stay out of debt, and much more! Paperback. $12.95
==========S E C T I O N V==========
Here's the beginning of a military manual
and outdoor and other survival skills book listing.
The fact is that we hope and pray that we don't ever have
to rely on such skills. But venturing into the unknown
without preparation, is a good way to eternally
give up your liberty and life.
Canadian prices are shown, where known, but based on a 30%
differential between the Canadian and US "Dollar".
Please feel free to contribute:
* Additional appropriate book titles, with a short description,
if at all possible.
* Names and subscription addresses of magazines covering these
* Names of addresses of appropriate mail order suppliers, and
their specialties.
These books belong in the library of everyone who loves the
outdoors, whether for hiking, camping, canoeing, winter
sports or hunting. They preserve and teach outdoor lore and
skills which can help make you an expert in the outdoors,
enabling you to live off the land and survive in emergency
situations as well as teaching numerous techniques for
trapping, navigation, shelter, fire making, signalling, first
aid, etc. You'll find them engrossing, practical and
fascinating reading!
"Bear Attacks, Their Causes and Avoidance"
Although mercifully rare, bear attacks do occur and every
outdoorsman travelling, fishing, hunting, camping or canoeing in
bear country owes it to himself to understand something of bear
behavior, bear foods and locations, actions or situations which
can trigger a bear attack, bear behavior signals, avoiding an
encounter, what to do when confronted by a bear and signs of bear
activity. This is probably the best and most comprehensive book
on this subject, written by the leading researcher in the field.
There are approximately 80,000 bears in Ontario, and one day you
may just meet one of them under the wrong circumstances; the
knowledge that this book will give you might be instrumental then
in saving your life!
280 pages.
$14.95 or approximately $10.50 US
"Camping and Woodcraft"
by Horace Kephart
A Handbook for Vacation Campers and for Travelers in the
Wilderness - This classic work, now reprinted, is without doubt
the finest book on these subjects that you could ever hope to own.
It was first published in 1906; and was written by a man who, for
the last 25 years of his life, was regarded as "the dean of
American outdoorsmen". It covers everything - all the essentials
of camping, shelter construction, navigation, fire-making,
dressing and keeping game, camp-cookery and backwoods recipes etc.
and THEN it goes on to cover marksmanship in the woods,
axemanship, log cabin construction, bark utensils,tanning skins,
bee hunting, edible wild plants, living off the country, and
backwoods first aid. Information, tips and long-forgotten
techniques and remedies flow almost endlessly out of Kephart - he
was an expert backwoodsman, and he can make you one too.
Essential reading for campers, hunters, homesteaders, prospectors,
wilderness travellers and survivalists.
Softcover, 884 pages.
$21.95 or approximately $15.40 US.
"Complete Wilderness Survival Manual, The:
Field Skills For Adventures In The Outdoors"
It's an outsize, glossy book of 192 Pages. The author is an
Oxford grad, a Fellow of the Royal Geological Society, taught
combat survival and jungle warfare at the Army's Jungle Warfare
School in Central America, and retired as a Major.
The beauty of this book is that it takes you through every step of
every activity in a series of clear, full-colour photos. It
really is a comprehensive and excellent piece of work - well able
to make a survivor of you after just one reading. Instant
armchair training, with no sweat or mud involved at all!
I'd recommend this, the original SAS SURVIVAL HANDBOOK, and that
great classic CAMPING AND WOODCRAFT as the *core* library for
anyone who thinks that they might seriously need to know this kind
of thing in the future. [Both books are on this list.]
published by MacMillan Canada
$29.95 or approximately $20.9 U.S.
"Far From Help: Backcountry Medical Care"
Dr. Peter Steele
What happens when you can't dial 911? Many books describe how to
provide "first aid" medical care under emergency conditions, yet
in remote wilderness areas it may be days or weeks before
professional medical help can be obtained. This 241-page book
goes beyond all other "outdoor" medical texts. It's clearly and
concisely written and illustrated for those who know nothing about
first aid, even as it provides practical information for highly
skilled medical professionals who may suddenly find themselves
without the technology available in modern hospital conditions.
The author, Peter Steele, is an experienced expedition doctor, and
this book covers every medical problem that is likely to happen to
anyone in the outdoors, and tells you simply and directly what to
do. It's designed to fit in a pack, glove compartment, canoe,
kayak, boat, small plane, snowmobile or hiker's backpack, and it
will become worth its weight in gold whether you're called upon to
solve a minor medical problem or to save a life!
$18.95 or approximately $13.30 US
"Freshwater Fishing: 1000 Tips From the Pro's"
by Henry Waszczuk and Italo Labignan
This brand new book is by two of Canada's best-known professional
fishermen. It contains over 1000 useful tips on everything from
choosing the best tackle to cleaning and cooking the catch.
Separate chapters deal with expert techniques which can be used to
catch bass, walleye, muskellunge, pike, trout and other species.
Illustrated with over 300 line-drawings and photographs, this
224-page paperback also offers up-to-date advice on the latest
tackle and angling methods to maximize your fishing success!
$16.95 or approximately $11.90 US
"How To Stay Alive In The Woods"
This classic 285 page pocket book has sold over 600,000 copies in
20 years! It's a convenient, complete guide to food, shelter, and
self-preservation that makes starvation in the wilderness almost
impossible. If necessary, it could keep you alive and comfortable
indefinitely. Filled with tips, hints, ingenious techniques and
woodcraft secrets, this book should be in the pocket or pack of
every hunter, outdoorsman, fisherman, camper and canoeist the next
time you venture into the woods!
$6.50 or approximately $4.55
"Hunting, Fishing and Camping"
from L.L. Bean
This is the famous L.L. Bean "how-to" outdoor manual. Covers
skills and equipment - expertly written!
$26.95 or approximately 18.90 US
"Indian How Book, The"
by Arthur C. Parker
How did the Indians do things? How did they make their canoes,
tepees, traps, bark lodges and war bonnets? How did they treat
women, marry, talk, dance and dress? How did they hunt, use the
peace pipe, perform the sun dance, gather medicine and send
signals? All these "hows" and many more are described in this
book from personal experience and knowledge of Indian life. Each
of the 74 sections on Indian crafts, methods and activities is
both a practical guide and a fascinating exposition of Indian
lore, revealing many little-known facts and techniques. An
invaluable addition to your library if you love the outdoors,
value independence or just wish to sharpen your survival skills!
Paperback. 335 pages
$8.95 or approximately $6.30 US
"Pioneer Farmer and Backwoodsman"
Published by
University of Toronto Press
Unfortunately this 2 volume set is out of print, but a good
second-hand book store might be able to help you track down a set.
John says: "I have one in my own library, and it's *invaluable*!
Everything from "stump extraction machines" to "food
preservation", with lots of information on every aspect of pioneer
life, in families and in community, thrown in."
"Sports Afield Outdoor Skills"
from "Sports Afield"
From "Sports Afield", America's most popular outdoor magazine
comes this invaluable 192-page almanac which contains 100's of
helpful ideas, practical suggestions, safety tips and expert
techniques for better hiking, fishing, camping and other outdoor
activities. Whether you're an experienced sportsman or novice
adventurer, you'll discover a wealth of excellent, field-tested
approaches and strategies on every aspect of outdoor living.
Covers trip preparation, packing, vehicle preparation, taking your
dog, boats, rafts and canoes, planning a river trip, campsite
lore, practical fire-making, vapor barriers, reading the sky,
camping in bear country, treatment of shock, hiking techniques,
maps and compasses, cold weather tips, fording rivers, solving
stream mysteries and finding fish, dog-day fishing tricks, recipes
from the field, cooking and preparing your catch, meat recipes,
making sausages, hunting wild mushrooms, breads and biscuits,
improvising camp showers, tricks with tarps, cleaning and storing
your equipment, and much more! Overflowing with useful and
practical ideas, this book is perfect for everyone who enjoys
spending time in the great outdoors.
$22.95 or approximately $16.10 US
"Tracking: A Blueprint For Learning How"
by Jack Kearney
Tracking a man through rugged wilderness is an ancient art that
has been perfected by the U.S. Border Patrol, and retired agent
Jack Kearney earned his reputation as one of the best in the
business. He condenses here 15 years of backcountry knowledge in
searching for missing persons and border jumpers. This
easy-to-read guide is loaded with the secrets of identifying
tracks, determining direction and age, utilizing sun angle,
following non-visible trails, and much more. Includes practical
exercises used to train Border Patrolmen. Perfect for perfecting
your hunting skills, also!
8 1/2" x 5 1/2" Paperback, 164 pages
$36.95 or approximately $25.90 US
Military and para-military training manuals
"Combat Survival"
This is the manual used to instruct Britain's elite Special Air
Service [SAS] on physical and combat survival tactics and
techniques. It illustrates training and tactical methods for
combat as well as general survival skills. Also included is rare
information on evading and silencing guard dogs, sabotage and
intelligence gathering, navigating under survival conditions and
more. Contains more than 100 detailed drawings and charts.
Chapter titles include Improvisation and Escape Kit, Contacting
Agents, Wild Foods, Animal Traps and Snares, Water Survival Still
and Primitive Medicine.
8 1/2" x 11" softcover, illustrated, 184 pages
$26.95 or approximately $18.90 US
"Long Range Patrol Operations"
Reconnaissance, Combat and Special Operations "
This is the most comprehensive text on LRP's available today; it
comprehensively covers the deep-penetration nature of LRP
operations to obtain intelligence, commit sabotage and carry out
special missions. Intelligence acquisition, raids and ambushes,
insertions and extractions, climate and terrain, training,
communications, weapons and equipment, fire support, tracking and
camouflage are just some of the topics detailed here.
8 1/2" x 11 softcover, illustrated, 336 pages
$27.95 or approximately $19.60 US
"Long-Range Surveillance Operations"
LRSU's provide indispensable limited reconnaissance and stationary
surveillance. This manual outlines mission development,
execution, extraction and recovery. Also covers organization,
training and equipment for these surreptitious
intelligence-gathering teams.
8 1/2" x 11" softcover, illustrated, 104 pages
$19.95 or approximately $14.00 US
"Ranger Handbook"
From Roger's Rangers in the French and Indian War through the
long-range patrols behind the lines in Korea, the Ranger tradition
of bravery and endurance is unmatched. Compiled by the Ranger
Department, Fort Benning, Georgia, this handbook draws from
lessons learned from two centuries of special operations combat.
Crammed with information on demolitions, booby traps, rappelling,
communications, and more than thirty other topics.
4 1/2" x 6" softcover, illustrated, 216 pages
$15.00 or approximately $10.50 US
"Royal Marines Commandos Fitness & Survival Skills, The"
The original "leathernecks", whose cheerful motto is "first to
land, last to leave", the Royal Marines were most recently tasked
under NATO to the defence of Norway. This book thus gives not
only a condensed and invaluable description of commando training
and techniques, but also has a superb section on cold-weather
fighting and survival skills. As an aside, the token company of
40 marines stationed on the Falklands when the Argentine invasion
started, together with the newly arrived replacement company - a
total of 80 men commanded by two majors - played havoc with the
vastly superior Argentine invasion force, and had to be *ordered*
to surrender by the Governor-General. Their minuscule detachment
on South Georgia, when ordered to surrender by an Argentine
warship, promptly demolished its superstructure with a TOW missile
and shot down its helicopter. Then they took to the frozen hills
as guerrillas! This is the spirit we may need to emulate before
too long!
176 pages
UK price 4.75 pounds [US price, equivalent in dollars]
"SAS Survival Handbook"
by John Wiseman.
288 pages of survival information, skills and techniques,
massively illustrated.
John Wiseman was, for 26 years a survival instructor for Britain's
famed SAS Regiment. This book covers survival preparation and
strategies, edible wild foods, fires and shelters, hunting and
trapping, tracking skills, camp and bushcraft, navigation and
weather signs, wilderness travel, medical treatment, survival
afloat, rescue techniques, arctic survival and much more!
This is the finest survival instruction and reference guide
available. These techniques were taught to elite commando troops
who were trained to carry out isolated, arduous operations all
over the world; resupply was frequently impossible, requiring them
to live off the land. This book will give you expert instruction
in the complete spectrum of wilderness skills, and could save your
life. Ideal for hunters, fishermen, canoeists, campers, climbers,
prospectors, wilderness travellers, military and rescue personnel
etc. $24.95 or approximately $17.50 US.
"Scout, The"
This invaluable Australian guerrilla manual presents a rare
insight into one of the most vital functions of small-unit combat
intelligence - scouting. Despite great technical achievements in
modern military science, the small-unit commander must still rely
heavily on the eyes, ears and stealth of his scouts. Additional
valuable techniques, often overlooked in U.S. Army and Marine
scouting texts, are detailed.
4 1/2" x 6 1/2" softcover, 128 pages
$15.00 or approximately $10.50 US
"Special Forces Air Operations"
This manual covers pre-mission preparation, organizing reception
committees on the ground, setting up drop and landing zones,
calculating moon phases, search and rescue operations, mission
aborts, escape and evasion plans and more.
8 1/2" x 11" softcover, illustrated, 112 pages.
$21.95 or approximately $15.40 US
"Special Forces Handbook"
From Vietnam and Laos to Central America and Africa, the U.S. Army
Special Forces has won renown for its expertise in guerrilla
warfare. This handbook -- a classic in the field -- covers
guerrilla tactics and missions; demolition techniques such as
improvised incendiaries, air operations; weapons; communications
and survival skills.
4 1/4" x 6" softcover, illustrated, 216 pages
$12.95 or approximately $9.10 US
"Special Forces Operational Techniques"
This is an exact reprint, with a weatherproof cover and in handy
pocket size, of the famous U.S. Army Field Manual 31-20. All
illustrations and every one of the 536 pages of vital information
are included. Thoroughly covers non-nuclear and nuclear warfare,
unconventional warfare and counter-insurgency operations.
Improvised weapons, intelligence, psychological operations,
communications, logistics, survival, infiltration, S.F. field
maneuvers, demolition, raids and ambushes, amphibious air
operations and more are covered. A wealth of information from the
experts. 4" x 5", softcover, illustrated, glossary, index.
$25.95 or approximately $18.20 US
"U.S. Army Special Forces A-Team VietNam Combat Manual"
This is a reprint of the A Detachment Handbook, which was issued
to all Special Forces A-Teams during the Vietnam War. The A-Team,
trained to develop indigenous soldiers for combat, represented the
fighting heart of the U.S. Army Special Forces in Vietnam. This
manual covers A-Team training, operations, communications,
logistics and more. This information was used by Special Forces
personnel in the field, and includes camp construction, combat and
recon patrols, interrogation procedures and psychological
8 1/2" x 11" softcover, illustrated, 304 pages.
$27.95 or approximately $19.60 US
"U.S. Navy SEAL Combat Manual"
This formerly top-secret special warfare manual was for years
unobtainable. It is one of the rarest and most informative U.S.
Field Manuals. The most up-to-date information available is
provided on the equipment, weapons and tactics employed by this
most elite undersea fighting force. Special emphasis is given to
underwater demolition techniques and explosives. Hundreds of
photos, charts and diagrams. Topics include SEAL history,
communications, weapons, survival, covert intelligence-gathering,
first-aid, diving, infiltration and exfiltration, demolitions and
8 1/2" x 11" softcover, photos, illustrated, 240 pages
$27.95 or approximately $19.60 US
"U.S. Special Forces Military Handbook"
The finest military medical handbook available. Covers everything
in 608 pages of illustrated, easy-to-read text. Also includes
sections on primitive medicine, veterinary medicine and practical
survival techniques and strategies. Invaluable for rescue and
militia personnel, ambulance attendants, nurses and medical
personnel, expeditions and climbing groups, etc. Most useful to
those who have some previous medical training or experience.
$26.95 or approximately $18.90 US
"Vietnam Primer - Lessons Learned"
This is a reprint of one of the U.S. Army's most
widely-distributed and useful operational analyses, designed to
save American lives in combat. It drew on the experience of the
U.S. infantry in Vietnam, and makes invaluable recommendations
concerning direct assaults, warning and movement, doubling
security, contending with jungle, rates of fire, security on the
trail, the company in movement, ruses, decoys and ambushes, field
intelligence, defensive perimeters, policing the battlefield and
8 1/2" x 11" softcover, 54 pages, illustrated
$12.95 or approximately $9.10 US
These comprehensive U.S. military Sniping Manuals are an excellent
source of information, technique and skill development for hunting
and target shooting.
"U.S. Marine Corps Scout/Sniper Training Manual"
This sniper training manual - used by the Marksmanship Training
Unit of the Marine Corps Development and Education Command in
Quantico, Virginia - is packed with information on every aspect of
the art and science of sniping. It outlines lessons on sniping,
sights, camouflage, the effects of weather, range-estimation
techniques, target detection and selection, offensive and
defensive deployment, construction and occupation of hides, mental
conditioning and more. Sample score cards, observation logs and
range estimation score sheets are included.
8 1/2" x 11" softcover, 192 pages.
$21.95 or approximately $15.40
"U.S. Marine Corps Sniping Manual FMFM1-3B"
This essential sniping guide shows why U.S. Marines have always
been the best-trained and most successful snipers in the world.
This is the latest edition of the Marine Corps sniping manual, and
covers much more than has previous been available. Even the U.S.
Army has its snipers trained by the Marines - this manual makes
that training available to you!
8 1/2" x 11" softcover, photos, illustrated, 208 pages
$21.95 or approximately $15.40
"Seal Sniper Training Program"
This highly sought manual - until now only available to the elite
cadre of SEALs - contains the complete program by which the SEAL
snipers train, equip and operate. It concentrates on the
practical application of sniping skills, with an emphasis on "one
shot/one kill"; and has exclusive photos showing stationary and
moving targets, camouflage and concealment, night shooting, helo
insertion and extraction, range estimation, communications and
8 1/2" x 11" softcover, photos, illustrated, 320 pages
$39.95 or approximately $28.00 US
"Survival, Evasion and Escape"
Survival, evasion and escape are extensions of the battlefield,
and this military manual teaches specific skills and knowledge to
keep soldiers or civilians alive and safe. Includes cold-weather,
desert, tropical and sea survival; navigation; escape from POW
camps; acquiring food and water; natural medicines, etc.
8 1/2" x 5 1/2" Paperback, 432 pages
$20.95 or approximately $14.70 US
"U.S. Army Sniper Training Manual"
This is the famed TC 23-14, the "sniper's bible". An excellent
source of information for hunting, this manual covers camouflage,
shooting techniques and positions, map and compass reading, and
necessary equipment for survival in the field.
8 1/2" x 11" softcover, 100 illustrated, 196 pages
$27.95 or approximately $19.60
A knowledge of explosives and their improvisation can be
invaluable in farming, homesteading, construction/demolition, and
in survival situations. The following books and manuals are
intended for information purposes only.
"The Do-It Yourself Gunpowder Cookbook"
For information purposes only!!!
Do you want to know how to make your own gunpowder from such
easily accessible items as dead cats, whiskey, "fools gold", your
living room ceiling, manure, and maple syrup? This practical and
safe approach shows you how to do it with simple hand tools and
techniques that have been used for centuries. Gunpowder has many
uses, and is practically essential in a long-term survival
situation. This book covers everything from old U.S. government
recipes for use by its espionage agents to the author's own
tried-and-true methods using common tools and equipment. If
available technology is unavailable or breaks down, only your
stock of knowledge will get you through tough times.
5 1/2" x 8 1/2" softcover, illustrated, 80 pages
$16.95 or approximately $11.90 US
"Improvised Explosives - How to Make Your Own"
For information purposes only.
From a former top explosives expert with the Israeli Army come ten
simple but powerful formulas for explosives and incendiaries.
Learn how to obtain or make all the necessary chemicals or
acceptable substitutes. Various fuses, detonators, and chemical
and electrical timers are also covered.
5 1/2" x 8 1/2" softcover, illustrated, 80 pages
$15.00 or approximately $10.50 US
"Improvised Munitions Black Book, Volumes 1 & 2"
For information purposes only.
Originally developed by the Frankford Arsenal for the CIA and
Special Forces, these books are the most comprehensive works ever
on improvised weapons. For years they have been the most
sought-after and secret books ever published by the American
military - now they are available to you.
5 1/2" x 8 1/2" softcover, illustrated
Vol. 1, 160 pages
Vol. 2, 142 pages
$17.95 each or approximately $12.60
"Improvised Munitions Black Book, Volume 3"
Until recently, the information in this volume was known only to
a handful of people in the intelligence community. This
encyclopedia on improvised explosives, weapons, incendiaries and
detonators is for information purposes only.
8 1/2" x 11" softcover, illustrated, 162 pages
$26.95 or approximately 18.90 US
"EOD Improvised Explosives Manual"
For information purposes only.
This authoritative insider's manual is used by a U.S. Federal
law-enforcement agency to train its agents in the recognition,
composition, and handling of improvised explosive devices and the
various fuses used to set them off. It also provides examples of
actual explosive devices that have been discovered and disarmed by
EOD personnel, together with schematic drawings.
8 1/2" x 11" softcover, illustrated, 88 pages
$19.95 or approximately $14.00 US
"Explosives and Demolitions"
For information purposes only.
This is FM 5-25, the standard text used by the U.S. Army, which
covers firing systems, placement of charges and types of
demolition projects.
8 1/2" x 11", softcover, illustrated, 188 pages
$19.95 or approximately $14.00 US
"Backwoods Home Magazine: The Best of the First Two Years"
"Backwoods Home Magazine" publishes articles on every area of
self-sufficiency, independent living and homesteading. Every
article tells you everything you need to know to master the topic
or project, from start to finish; every contributor has practical,
hands-on experience, and can thus point out valuable cost-cutting
ideas, shortcuts, pitfalls to avoid, etc. as you follow their
directions. Whether it's "Achieving total self-sufficiency in
five years or less", "A little knowledge and sweat can build a
home for under $10,000", "Canning meat", "How to can peaches and
tomatoes", "The instant greenhouse" or "Backwoods computers -
vehicles to independence", you'll find an astonishing array of
expertly-written, practical and money-saving articles on a host of
diverse and useful topics. If you want to be prepared for the
uncertain economic future, cut your expenses, start one or more
home businesses or just increase your independence, you'll find
this volume fascinating reading!
Paperback, 480 pages
$23.95 or approximately $16.80 US
"Backwoods Home Magazine: The Third Year"
More of the same great "how to" information, from "How to homebrew
beer" and "Hydroponics - growing plants indoors without soil" to
"Some tips on drying foods at home". Practical, informative and
Paperback, 384 pages
$22.95 or approximately $16.10 US
"Five Acres and Independence"
by M.G Kains
Dover Publications
ISBN 048-620-9741
Anyone who has ever dreamed of getting back to the soil will get
from Maurice Grenville Kains' practical and easy-to-understand
discussions a more complete view of what small-scale farming
means. Most likely, you, like thousands of others who have read
"Five Acres and Independence, will come away with specific
projects that you can begin, specific plans that you can start to
materialize. The farmer in you will begin to appear, bringing you
closer to the fulfillment of that dream of on dependence on a
small farm of your own.
Whether you already own a suitable place or whether you are still
looking, "Five Acres and Independence" will help you learn to
evaluate land for both its total economic and its specific
agricultural possibilities. There are methods of calculating
costs of permanent improvements - draining the land, improving
soil, planting wind breaks, putting in septic tanks, cellars,
irrigation systems, greenhouses, etc. - and methods of carrying
out those improvements.
There are suggestions for specific crops - strawberries, grapes,
vegetables, orchards, spring, summer and fall crops,
transplanting, timing, repairing what already exists - with
methods of deciding what is best for your land and purposes, and
methods of making each of them pay. There are suggestions of
animals for the small-scale farmer; goats, chickens, hens - and
means of working them into your overall farm design. And finally
there are suggestions for keeping your small farm in top
production condition, methods of continually increasing the value
of your farm, methods of marketing your produce, methods of
accurately investing in improvements, virtually everything a
small-scale farmer needs to know to make his venture economically
Some things, of course, have changed since 1940 when M.G. Kains
revised "Five Acres and Independence". But the basic
down-to-earth advice of one of the most prominent men in recent
American agriculture, and the methods of farming the small-scale,
pre-DDT farm, are still pretty much the same. Much of the
information in this book was built on USDA and state farm bureau
reports; almost all of it was personally tested by M.G. Kains
either on his own farms or on farms of the people who trusted him
as an experienced consultant. His book went through more than 30
editions in the first ten years after it was first printed and
helped countless small farmers attain their dream; it continues
today as an exceptional source for those who want to make their
first farming attempt.
Unabridged re-publication of the second (1940) edition. New
introduction by J. E. Oldfield
95 figures, Appendices, Index, 397 pages
5 3/8" x 8 1/2" Paperback
$6.96 or approximately $4.90 US
"Grandad's Wonderful Book of Chemistry"
by Kurt Saxon
The original 19th century methods of home manufacturing for
everyone - make herbal extracts, essential oils, acids, gasses,
alkaloids, etc from easy to get raw materials; a complete course
in laboratory glass-blowing; Dick's Encyclopedia of Practical
Recipes and processes, 1872; The Medical Student's Manual of
Chemistry, 1889; Chemical Magic, 1929; How to Make and Use a small
Chemical Laboratory, 1926.
8 1/2" x 11" Paperback, 435 pages
$25.95 or approximately $18.20 US
"Henley's Formulas For Home and Workshop"
For information purposes only.
Contains 10,000 Scientific Formulas, Trade Secrets, Food and
Chemical Recipes, Processes and Money Saving Ideas. First
published in 1927, this invaluable and comprehensive volume is a
unique source of alphabetically-arranged information. Learn how
to make adhesives, perfumes and cosmetics, wines, spirits and
liquors, beverages, cider, dyes, alloys, veterinary formulas,
soaps, fireworks, rust preventives, cheese, cement, ceramics,
glazes, glass, explosives, paper, paints and 100's of other useful
and essential items; discover useful workshop and laboratory
methods, dozens of cleaning preparations and methods, formulas for
fertilizer, etc. An irreplaceable and money-saving reference work
for the farmer, housewife, mechanic, handyman and survivalist. It
can increase your independence and provide information that can be
used to establish dozens of profitable home businesses!
Hardback, 809 pages
$24.95 or approximately $17.50 US
"Live Off The Land In The City and The Country"
by Ragnar Benson
A gold mine of native American lore about curing hides, preserving
meats and vegetables, foraging, and trapping the Indian way, LIVE
OFF THE LAND provides hands-on advice about survival medicine,
firearms, reloading, fuel storage, diesel generators, retreating,
and raising livestock and vegetables/grains. Benson also provides
plans for building your own A-frame cabin, just like his, from
local timber in one summer - 3,000 sq. ft. of living space for
under $10,000! This complete guide to surviving in style is
written in a lively, down-home manner and illustrated with more
than 100 photos.
8 1/2" x 5 1/2" Hardcover, 272 pages
$34.95 or approximately $24.50 US
"Trapper's Bible, The: Traps, Snares and Pathguards"
by Dale Martin
These traps, snares and pathguards can be constructed out of the
most basic materials. Includes pest snares, large animal snares
and transplant traps for moving animals, plus camp alarms that
alert you to intruders and deadly pathguards that could save your
Softcover, illustrated, 72 pages
$12 or approximately $8.40 US
"Survival: A Manual That Could Save Your Life"
by Chris and Gretchen Janowski
This is one of the best survival publications available!
Life-saving first-aid and wilderness medical care, water
procurement, improvised survival tools and weapons - having this
book in ANY emergency could mean the difference between life and
death! Every year people die needlessly because of panic, lack of
knowledge or lack of confidence. Anyone who runs a snowmobile,
flies an airplane, drives a car or simply ventures outside the
cities needs to know how to survive on their own if necessary.
SURVIVAL details the L.I.F.E. system, your secret formula in an
emergency to turn what could be a tragedy into a triumph of living
-- becoming one with nature, instead of fighting it. The authors
operate a well-known Alaskan wilderness and survival school.
8 1/2" x 5 1/2" Paperback, 208 pages
$22.95 or approximately $16.10 US
"Survivor, The, Volume 1"
by Kurt Saxon
The "Survivor" series are all 8 1/2" x 11" books intended to equip
every reader with the skills and knowledge to save money, learn
trade techniques and secrets, start profitable low-cost home
businesses and achieve maximum independence. Perfect resource
material for today's troubled economic and social situation!
VOLUME 1 covers money-making and money-saving; 100's of ideas for
cottage industries; trades; hobbies; cut food bills; never hunger;
burglar-proof your home; surviving a nuclear winter; make soy
milk; sprouts; tofu; toy-making for fun and profit; making
imitation gold and silver; make a 1 or 2 horsepower windmill from
scrap; foot-powered lathe; make see-through mirrors; black powder;
set up a home foundry; build concrete furniture.
8 1/2" x 11" Paperback, 480 pages
$25.95 or approximately $18.20 US
"Survivor, The, Volume 2"
by Kurt Saxon
More trades, hobbies, crafts; 19th-century science; completion of
reprint of Dick's 1872 Encyclopedia of Formulas and Processes;
complete course in soilless growing, inside or out; guide to radio
8 1/2" by 11" Paperback, 464 pages
$25.95 or approximately $18.20 US
"Survivor, The, Volume 3"
by Kurt Saxon
Two sensitive lie-detectors; generating current for
electro-plating; making gunpowder in 1861; 1933 steam-driven
airplane; solar power of the past; wind-driven battery charger;
homemade labware; small electric power plant; knife throwing;
homemade stroboscope; welder's bench from scrap; wire drawing;
making the American flat bow; profitable doll-houses and toys from
the 1920's; raising rabbits for wool; science entries from
Chamber's Encyclopedia, 1891, and much more!
8 1/2" x 11" Paperback, 464 pages
$25.95 or approximately $18.20 US
"Survivor, The, Volume 4"
by Kurt Saxon
[tremendous collection of 19th century formulas and processes];
homemade fallout meter; wind-driven generator; arc welding;
keeping pigs; making a spectroscope; making small metal castings;
making high-frequency Oudin and Tesla coils; an all-purpose
workbench; raising rabbits; making a ventriloquist's dummy; making
a deluxe dolls-house; sail-rigged wind motor; overhauling shop
motors; insect electrocuters; casting in plaster and cement;
raising goats; raising squabs; toy-making for profit.
8 1/2" x 11" Paperback
$25.95 or approximately $18.20 US
"Survival Poaching"
by Ragnar Benson
Gives practical information on collecting large or small numbers
of wild game under practically any circumstances. These methods
and traps are known only to a few old-timers and to one Indian
tribe; Benson's uncle was a member of this tribe. Benson is
himself an old-timer now, with 40 years of hunting experience
behind him. He tells you how to get a deer anytime you go hunting
for one and how to live off the land, whether in the city or the
country. He also provides plans for ingenious traps, snares and
deadfalls; lessons on woodcraft and scouting; information on
equipment, firearm selection, ammo choices, and more.
8 1/2" x 5 1/2" HARDBACK, 250 pages
$35.95 or approximately $25.20 US
"Commando Fighting Techniques"
Use your body as a powerful and effective weapon in combat
situations following the effective techniques described here.The
chokes, strangles, releases, locks, throws, sweeps, blocks and
counters in this extensively illustrated guide incorporate
Oriental fighting arts and Western combat schools of self-defence.
Excellent for military, police and individual training.
8" x 8" softcover, photos, 156 pages
$16.95 or approximately $11.90 US
"Get Tough"
From the father of modern hand-to-hand combat, Capt. W.E.
Fairbairn, comes this classic manual on unarmed combat. Fairbairn
taught the famed British Commandos from this long-out-of-print
text. Known for his "get tough" attitude, he designed these
practical methods after years of training troops and watching
ruffians, thugs, bandits and bullies. This no-nonsense,
illustrated manual lets you profit from his years of experience.
5 1/2" x 8 1/2", hardcover, 140 illustrations, 120 pages
$26.95 or approximately $18.90 US
"Hidy Ochiai's Complete Book of Self-Defence"
This easy-to-follow book by acclaimed karate superstar Hidai Ochai
will expertly guide you from the essential basics through to the
most advanced self-defence moves. It includes 100's of ways to
use hands, arms, feet and legs as defensive weapons; self-defence
from all sides of the body, and from all positions; and
pre-arranged techniques and movements for any self-defence
situation. Packed with nearly 1,000 instructional photo's.
Invaluable for police officers, women and individual training.
8 1/2" x 11" softcover, 340 pages
$21.95 or approximately $15.40 US
==========S E C T I O N VI==========
Small Farming, Independence and
We are very sorry to say, but with
agreements like NAFTA in place, food quality
is beginning to rapidly deteriorate. Pesticides,
hormones, and worse -- is YOUR food safe? Is
it nutritious? If not, you might want
to investigate growing your own.
"Basic Butchering of Livestock & Game"
by John Mettler
ISBN 088 266 3917
Clear and concise step-by-step information for beef, veal, hogs,
lamb, poultry, rabbits, venison. 208 pp.
"Complete Book of the Greenhouse, The"
by Ian Walls
ISBN 070 637 0171
An acknowledged classic! Every facet of greenhouse gardening,
from construction to cultivation; includes pest and disease
control. 304 pp.
"Edible Wild Plants"
by Lee Allen Peterson
ISBN 039 531 870X
This is the Peterson, of the "Peterson Field Guide" Series.
Absolutely indispensable! Brilliantly illustrated, superbly
arranged, supremely useful. 330 pp.
$24.00 Canadian
"Family Cow, The"
by Dirk van Loon
ISBN 088 266 0667
Everything you need to know about keeping your own cow happy, so
you can teach cornflakes to swim every morning! 272 pp.
$12.95 US
"Far From Help: Backcountry Medical Care"
Dr. Peter Steele
"Harvest Gardener, The:
Growing For Maximum Yield, Prime Flavor, and Garden-Fresh Storage"
by Susan McClure
ISBN 088 266 7971
Tips from dozens of pros and experts. Encyclopedic coverage of
crops, plus advice on the culture, harvest and storage of
individual fruits, herbs and vegetables. 288 pp.
"Have More" Plan: A Little Land - A Lot Of Living, The"
by Ed & Carolyn Robinson
ISBN 088 266 0241
The *original* "back-to-the-land" classic. Continuously in print
for 50 years. A *must* buy! 72 pp.
"Homesteading: A Practical Guide To Living Off The Land"
by Patricia Crawford
This book is out of print, so check around with your local used
book stores... they might very well be able to help locate a copy.
Tells you how to make the most of 1 acre to 100 acres! This
unique, common-sense guide deals realistically and thoroughly with
becoming a self-reliant small farmer, producing your own food and
reaping the rewards of country living. Also gives numerous
suggestions for earning additional income in the country.
Well worth tracking down!
"Horse Sense"
by John J. Mettle
ISBN 088 266 5456
Learn about the selection, care and housing of horses; also covers
immunizations, dental care and breeding. 160 pp.
"Keeping Livestock Healthy"
by Bruce Haynes.
ISBN 088 266 4093
A highly-recommended veterinary guide. 336 pp.
"Keeping The Harvest:
Preserving Your Fruits, Vegetables & Herbs"
by Chioffi and Mead
ISBN 088 266 6509
One of the finest books on home-preserving for beginners and
experts alike. 216 pp.
"Medicinal Plants"
by Foster & Duke
ISBN 039 546 7225
From the Peterson Field Guide Series. Truly indispensable. The
illustrations are remarkable -- contains an awful lot of knowledge
and is very well organized. 366 pp.
$23.00 Canadian
"Please Don't Eat My Garden!"
by Nancy McCord
ISBN 080 698 5224
Expert strategies, old and new, to protect your crops and garden
from freeloading animals! 160 pp.
"Raising A Calf For Beef"
by Phyllis Hobson
ISBN 088 266 0950
A small amount of time and land is all that's required to raise
your own beef calf. Housing, feeding, medical and butchering
information are included. Save money, and guarantee the quality
of your meat. 128 pp.
$7.95 US
"Raising Goats The Modern Way"
Jerry Belanger
ISBN 088 266 5766.
Everything the pro and the novice need to know about raising these
inquisitive and affectionate animals. 208 pp.
$9.95 US
"Raising Poultry The Modern Way"
by Leonard Mercia
ISBN 088 266 5774
Provides detailed information on selecting chickens, turkeys and
geese, for show, eggs or meat; and on protecting the flock from
disease and predators. 240 pp.
$9.95 US
"Raising Rabbits The Modern Way"
by Bob Bennett
ISBN 088 266 4794
Contains the most recent how-to information for successfully
raising rabbits on a small to semi-commercial scale. All new
information on feeding, housing, medication, breeding, showing and
selling. 192 pp.
$9.95 US
"Raising Sheep The Modern Way"
by Paula Simmons
ISBN 088 266 5294
Highly recommended for anyone expanding into, or contemplating
raising sheep. 288 pages.
"Raising The Home Duck Flock"
by Dave Holderread
ISBN 088 266 1698
Ducks are the easiest domestic birds to raise, popular because
they're helpful. They eat insect pests, keep vegetation on ponds
under control, eat leftovers, produce nitrogen-rich manure, *and*
provide low-cost meat and eggs. 192 pp.
$9.95 US
"Raising Your Own Turkeys"
BY Leonard Mercia
ISBN 088 266 2538
Selecting the right type; housing, feeding, raising and dressing
turkeys; disease control and health tips; equipment, supplies and
information sources. 144 pp.
$8.95 US
"Root Cellaring:
Natural Cold Storage Of Fruits And Vegetables"
by Mike & Nancy Buble
ISBN 088 266 7033
The simple, no-cost way to store your harvest bounty! Requires
little work, no canning jars or freezer bags, and no fuel! 320
"Small-Scale Pig Raising"
by Dirk Van Loon
Discusses penning and handling, health and nutrition, commercial
feeds, breeding, physiology, management and butchering. 272 pp.
$12.95 US
"Successful Small Food Gardens"
by Louise Riotte
ISBN 088 266 8153
Vegetables, herbs, flowers, fruits, nuts and berries, all from
your own small, but highly productive, food garden! Packed with
information and tips. 200 pp.
"Successful Small-scale Farming: An Organic Approach"
by Karl Schwenke
ISBN 088 266 6428
This book is an excellent general handbook for the small-scale
farmer. Covers the problems and possibilities of everything from
buying land to organic growing methods and selling cash crops.
Handy charts and appendix. 144 pp.
Tan Your Hide"
by Phyllis Hobson
ISBN 088 266 1019
Make vests, belts, and other leather items by home tanning and
hand working your own furs and leathers. 144 pp.
"Turning Wool into a Cottage Industry"
by Paula Simmons
ISBN 088 266 6851
Use the wool from your sheep to operate a profitable home
enterprise. Includes business and merchandising tips, plus
descriptions of 18 successful entrepreneurs. 192 pp.
$14.95 US
==========S E C T I O N VII==========
Here's the beginning of a list of Patriot
oriented BBS's.
What would be best of all worlds, is if
here on ACT, we identified at least one person
local to each BBS, who would be willing to
monitor the BBS and continually update
ACT with postings from the BBS.
Do we hear volunteers?
Compu-Data (609) 232-1245
Turnersville, NJ N-8-1, 2400 to 9600
I don't know any details about this BBS as it was recommended by
a friend who forgot to include details.
DCS (805) 256-8710 N-8-1, 2400 to 19200
Free 14-day trial, after that it's $120FRN's a year. This is run
by John Quade and he sells an allodial title package for maybe
$50-75. A great speaker and virtual walking encyclopedia of
knowledge on law, history, Bible, Constitution, etc. His BBS is
a Unix thing. He believes you MUST become knowledgable and learn
the law behind what you're doing if you're going after a land
patent or terminating your "participation in Social Security" or
whatever. That way we all become scholars, instead of just
DnA Systems, Inc. 1-714-646-9180 N-8-1, 2400 to 19200
Freedom BBS 1-609-586-4847 N-8-1, 2400 to 19200
Lots of great files and pretty well organized to boot. Anti-NWO
material, the US concentration camp program, FBI plans to tap all
the phones in the US, etc. etc. McAlvany's Intelligence Digest is
on line here.
Freedom Infonet (609) 586-4847 N-8-1, 2400 to 19200
Mercerville, NJ V.32bis/HST16.8
Features theology, current/world affairs, ham radio/swl,
shareware, RBBS/Maple support; FINET, RIME, NewLife, GraceNet,
MJCN networks
Gap Chasm BBS, The 609-467-0244 N-8-1 1200 to 9600
ZOOM V.32bis/V.42bis
Again, this was recommeded by a friend who did not let us know
much about this BBS. Give it a call and find out and let me know.
LibertyNET 1-916-987-9940 N-8-1, 2400 to 19200
LibertyNET differs from your basic BBS system, a set of services
which it performs too, but you can add your own services and
provide them free or for fee. It is based on the client-server
model of networking with each member having access to services
(client), and also able to offer services to others (server).
As of this writing, LibertyNET is pretty new, so time will tell if
it will catch on, but with the viewpoint the operators have of
their system, it seems like an idea who's time has indeed come.
Motherboard for Freedom 1-317-881-2743 N-8-1, 2400 to 19200
Run by Linda Thompson who, in my opinion is either a agent
provocateur extraordinaire, or a loose cannon in the patriot
movement. I vacillate from one opinion to the other. However,
her board has lots of interesting information and she certainly
writes a considerable amount of very pointed anti-NWO articles.
Patriot Information
Network (PIN) 1-818-888-9882 N-8-1, 2400 to 19200
Voice: (818) 703-5037
Richard McDonnald
Very possibly the best BBS around for legal opinions, legal forms,
information on the IR Code, State Citizenship, etc. Thousands of
files and lots of top-flight patriots contribute to the data base.
Route 66 Solutions 1-505-294-4543 N-8-1, 2400 to 19200
Route 66 has a very large number of files. Many are legally
oriented and pertain to questions like Citizenship, IRS, Social
Security and a terrific number of court cases, court cites, etc.
are on line here. In addition, they have transcripts of tapes
from some of the more dynamic patriots, like Jerry Ritchey, Ron
Marsh and Howard Griswold.
RTKBA 1-503-321-1777 N-8-1, 2400 to 19200
Right To Keep and Bear Arms. Used to be located in the San
Francisco Bay area, but he subsequently moved to the Portland,
Oregon area. This is a really super board for gun information.
Wrong Number BBS (201) 451-3063
Lots of really great files including transcripts of taped speeches
and taped interviews. The "MONEYCHANGER" from Franklin Saunders
is often uploaded here (see SECTION I; Heiland, and SECTION II,
the MoneyChanger) along with many of your favorite speakers and
"The strength and power of despotism consists wholly in the fear
of resistance."
--Thomas Paine
(503) 895-4681 (FAX)
(503) 895-4417 (VOICE)
(This file was found elsewhere on the Internet and uploaded to the
Radio Free Michigan site by the archive maintainer.
All files are ZIP archives for fast download.
E-mail bj496@Cleveland.Freenet.Edu)